53. Through the looking glass

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*a/n: sorry I've been MIA life happens. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy this one. It's a bit lengthy. Warning: description of violence, death, emotional trauma, some fluff. I tried something different, so the chapter jumps from different POVs and as well as bounces from past to present. -Ren <3*

Blaring lights and sirens overtook Rossi's senses as he pulled up to the pile up on the highway. Concern grew when he was informed that your brothers were being rushed to the hospital immediately. His eyes not leaving the flipped over swat van as they spoke to him. One of the agents on the scene pointed towards the woods when he asked for you. Rossi furrowed his brows as he made his walk through the wooded area.

Dr. Reid, Tara and Luke were all talking amongst each other. It was clear Reid was briefing them. Reid gave Rossi a look of concern when he noticed his presence. He looked off to the side; Rossi's eyes followed.

You sat on a stone, your head resting in your bloodied hands. Your forearms were clawed up, but they weren't defensive wounds. Rossi walked towards you. Your eyes were red and swollen. You were a bit beaten up but judging from how you looked, your opponent must be in worse shape. That's when it hit Rossi. Where were they? He saw past you to the group of coroners taping off the bridge.

"Salem, what happened?" He kneeled to your level. You pressed your lips in a hard line and shook your head, almost too afraid to speak.

"I didn't want to let go," a faint whisper escaped your lips. "I couldn't." Your hand flexed, almost as if you were angry.

Rossi noticed the claw marks on your neck. "What did you do?" His fear was clear in his tone. "Salem, what hell happened?" he asked once more, fully taking in the scene around them.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way." you kept repeating almost to keep you sane. "This... none of it."

Today wasn't supposed to go like this. It was supposed to be a normal day, at least, that's how it started...

Flip groaned, his hands feeling nothing but cold bed sheets. He could hear you shuffling around in the room. "Angel?" he called out, still half asleep. He rubbed his face before grabbing his watch and looking at the time. "It's too early, your class isn't for another four hours." he groaned, attempting to sit up.

"I took Pudge for a walk, and I need to prep." You came back into the room with a cup of coffee, Pudge trailing behind. Flip eyed you up and down, patting Pudge's head as he licked his face. "What? What is it?" you asked, furrowing your brows at him.

"Nothing." Flip continued to eye you while Pudge settled next to him. "You've done five classes already, I think you got it down, babe." He reached out and took your coffee out of your hands. "You should've woken me up, I would've gone with you."

"I was going to, but you looked so peaceful." You smiled at him. Flip looked up at you, seeing your complexion flush. His toned chest raised with each gulp as if the temperature of the coffee didn't faze him. It was beginning to get cold again, so he started wearing pajama pants to bed. During the cold nights you'd bury your face into his chest, his body heat always comforting you.

Flip cleared his throat once he finished with your coffee leaving you with half a cup. He smirked, noticing that you were ogling him. He patted his thigh, "Come here, angel." He used two fingers to call you over. You obliged with no hesitation. "I know it's been a tough week." He rubbed your back. "I also know it's been hard for you to sleep." He looked down at you.

You sighed heavily, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I just need to keep busy." You felt a bit defeated. "I promise I'm okay."

Flip kissed your forehead. "Just know if it gets too heavy, I'm right here," he reminded you. "Okay?" He held your chin in his fingers. He knew you didn't want to talk about it and he didn't blame you. Pudge jumped over Flip's shoulder, trying to lick both your faces. "And Pudge too." Flip chuckled, you joined in the laughter.

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