49. Revelations

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*A/N: Hey y'all, I know it's been a cool minute since I've posted, I wanna thank all of you for your support <3 y'all have been so incredibly sweet. Things have been hectic but posting should resume like normal<3 hope y'all enjoy - Ren<3*

Flip tried to distract himself by cooking dinner, but he couldn't help his eyes from glancing from the manila envelope back to you. After the dumb firefighter came in and then getting served, he didn't know what to do or what to say. Flip was surprised that you didn't pester about James's death. Would you be upset that he kept it from you? It didn't seem like you were too keen to find out what exactly happened. The moment Rossi told you he was dead, you didn't ask any more questions. You hadn't spoken since the car ride home. When you tried contacting your dad and brothers, they didn't answer.

Flip could tell you were trying to seem unbothered. You were completely sucked into your thoughts; you didn't even move a muscle when he placed your drink in front of you. He kept glancing back at you to make sure you were okay without hovering. By the sixth time he looked over his shoulder, you weren't sitting at the island in front of the oven. Flip figured you wanted to go change or even shower after what felt like a long day. Flip turned around to grab the seasoning but flinched when you suddenly appeared, slumping into the chair, biting your nails, deep in thought. He looked at the two files sitting in front of you.

"Angel?" Flip quietly spoke. You looked up at him with wide eyes. "What do you have there?" He wiped his hands with the dish towel, making his way towards you. He sat next to you, taking your hand away from your mouth and holding it in his.

You took a deep breath, your bottom lip trembling. "They're files," you said, spreading them out. "This is why I'm being served." You pointed to one of them. "This one, Spencer gave to me when he came to see me. It has everything about James and Lucinda." You froze for a moment, like something had been forgotten.

"Guess which one I haven't looked at?" your voice cracked as you let out a sarcastic laugh, your eyes glossy.

"Salem, why did you bring them out?" Flip interrupted your train of thought. He then thought back to the unpleasant phone call with Stolas. He noticed your hands become clammy and begin trembling. Flip ran his thumb across your knuckles.

It took a moment before you looked at him directly, your eyes filled with worry and fear. "On New Years, when we were called into my dad's office, Axel warned me about this...warned the team." You clarified. Flip's expression softened. "I keep thinking about what Axel said that night. It was vague, but the more I think about his words, it all starts to make sense." You handed Flip one of the files. His eyes scanned the FBI seal before meeting your furrowed expression. "I need to tell you, you can't hear it from anyone else. I-I wanted to tell you the moment Mateo first came to assist us, but I couldn't because I took an oath. But that doesn't matter anymore. We are getting married and you deserve to know who you're marrying. I don't want you to find out I'm this monster, and now because of me, you got served by the department of fucking justice-" you began to ramble frantically, almost forgetting to take a breath in between each word. You stood up, using your hands to gesture, pacing back and forth in front of him.

Flip's eyes widened a bit the moment your left hand started shaking a bit more than your right. He immediately walked to you and held onto your hands once again. "Hey, stop it." He cupped your cheek, trying to keep you still. Your pupils were dilated and you were gasping for air. "Relax for me," Flip tried talking you down but it was as if you couldn't hear him. You hadn't had a panic attack in months...not one to this extent. Tears began to fall from your eyes. Flip couldn't make sense of what you were incoherently babbling under your breath. The only words he could make out were "Fire and that Idiot, Zack." Flip scooped you up in his arms. You clung onto his button up, gripping for dear life. He settled on the couch with you on his lap and cradled you in his arms. Flip ran his fingers through your hair, trying to calm you. "Shh, it's okay angel, just breathe for me," he cooed, kissing your forehead while rubbing your back.

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