2. Velvet Ink

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"Freya! Where are you?" You called out for your best friend as you entered her tattoo studio in downtown Colorado Springs. You both needed a fresh start, especially when her scumbag of a boyfriend stole all her money and kicked her out. Freya is basically the sister you wished you had, so when all that went down you had her move in with you, in your apartment in DC, and told her that you wanted to start somewhere new and when you asked her if she wanted to come with you she didn't hesitate. She's been with you through everything, our dads know each other from the bureau. We became inseparable when my mom left, my dad would invite her family over for dinner almost every night. Our dads were relived when they found out we were both moving to Colorado together.

"I'm here Salem, I'm just putting up some of the finishing touches in the bathroom, can you believe it's almost done!" She squealed and embraced you in a tight hug, you smiled with her.

"I'm so proud of you, my little milkmaid" you teased "now you are, your own boss." You said

"Because of you! Honestly you and everyone helped me by investing in this studio, in my dream. I'm already booked for three months! And so are my artist, I can't wait for you to meet them they'll all officially be here by tomorrow." Freya said as she walked to her tool box, she had a box of pizza and a bottle of wine. "Come on let's celebrate I've been busy this whole week, You still haven't told me about your first day or how this week is going" Freya whined as she opened the pizza box. You laughed as she stuffed her face.

"It's good, it's odd since I'm the only female detective," you said as you grabbed plastic cups for the wine, and poured two cups. Freya almost choked at your statement.

"The only female?! Damn.. all that testosterone." She swallowed her bite, "so you are telling me there are no female officers like at all?" She asked

"There are, they are officers but not detectives, i asked if they'd move up when I went for my paperwork, they didn't want to." You said sipping the wine, it was odd.

"That's weird, I wonder why? Did they say?" Freya asked you shook your head

"No and yes it was weird. It's so annoying, it's a complete boys club. My first day everyone eyed me like a piece of meat, and when I went to get evidence the officer literally said 'what's a pretty little thing doing down here?'" You mocked his voice and scoffed.

"Ugh, fucking disgusting." She scrunched her face, "do you have a partner yet? Is he an asshole?" Freya asked you kept your head down then looked up at the ceiling.

"Um technically no...I'm helping them close an old case then I'm doing a solo case," you finally met her gaze and felt your cheeks burn. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh my fucking god! You like one of them don't you!" Freya accused you.

"No no that's not the case," you said she obviously didn't believe you. "It's just this embarrassing thing happened and everytime-" you started to say

"What embarrassing thing? Salem your story is lacking details! Talk now!" She demanded

You sighed, "ok ok, so first he was late to the briefing and he literally stared at me in front of everyone and I'll admit I was checking him out, and he literally caught me Freya!" You exclaimed as she laughed at you.

"You are the queen of subtle Salem, let me tell you," she said sarcastically

"And then walking back from evidence I literally crashed into him, and he caught me before I fell, I got scared and dropped the boxes and grabbed his collar so I wouldn't fall." You hid your face because the whole interaction made you cringe.

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