47. Lust

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*a/n: I'm so sorry I took so long to update, I could've posted this chapter sooner but I really wanted to post two chapters for y'all. I was a bit nervous this chapter was going to suck and would make it up with the next one but work got hectic and I couldn't finish the next one in time. Anyway.... this chapter starts with flashbacks and has them throughout. I hope you all enjoy <3 -Ren*

It was never perfect with him, it was barely ever good, but for whatever reason Freya defended his actions. Even when he yelled and made her feel like it was her fault, she stood there and took it. He never laid a hand on her, but the verbal abuse took a toll. It got worse when they started working at the same shop. Daniel Havens was a well known tattoo artist on the east coast. They met in the beginning of Freya's career, crossed paths in expos and even knew mutual artists. It all happened so fast, one minute they were barely friends the next they were  together every waking minute. Whenever Freya  expressed how she dreamt of opening her own shop, Daniel would always point out the flaws in her plan. She assumed he was just trying to look out for her. Then she started to notice how jealous he'd get anytime Freya would tattoo male clients. Daniel would glare at them while she tattooed or hover over her. So why did Freya stay with him for as long as she did?

In a sense Freya felt like she owed him. He was the reason she was able to work at a well-known shop. He made her feel a type of love she thought she was missing. Or at least that's how he wanted her to feel....

"Oh this is so cute!" You exclaimed, holding out an article of clothing on a hanger. Freya was distracted by her phone. She barely acknowledged your excitement.

"Yeah that's cute," Freya mumbled. She stood at the end of the clothing rack. Her eyes were glued to her phone while her hand clutched on for dear life.

You two had your usual girls day, but this one was different. It was after another huge fight with Daniel. Freya called you in a panic last night so you let her stay at your apartment. The whole evening Freya cried about the fight without actually telling you what happened. You didn't pry or force her to talk about it, you were just there for her. Freya knew you did your best to bite your tongue. She appreciated it, mostly because this happened every month. Daniel would pick an insecurity of his and lash out but it wasn't about him it was her.

Every fucking month Daniel would throw a tantrum about something so small and Freya would suffer for it. He wouldn't respond to any of her calls or messages and disappear for hours. Freya would leave voicemails and multiple messages apologizing for something that wasn't even her fault. She would beg just for him to respond, just to make sure that he didn't walk out of her life. This fight was different. Normally he'd block her out for 24 hours then he'd message her talking it all back and do the bare minimum as a boyfriend. For whatever reason Freya would eat it up and forgive him, but this time, you had to intervene...

"Freya Gideon.'' you stood in front of her holding a few articles of clothing. "What do you think you're doing?" you scolded her.

"He hasn't messaged me yet." Freya scrunched her face towards her phone. "He always calls around this time." She looked up at you, her brows furrowed and her eyes glossy.

You sighed heavily, thinking of what to say without hurting her feelings. Freya knew you were holding back but she chose to be blind towards your concern.

"Frey, why don't you try these on? Takeyour mind off it." you gently shoved her towards the dressing room. "That's the whole point of our shopping trips." you smiled at her.

Freya took the clothes from your hands and walked into an empty stall. She carefully placed her phone facing up so she'd notice if  Daniel messaged her. While Freya tried on the clothing, you started to go on about new beginnings and people, but she just tuned you out. She couldn't help but anticipate his message but it never came.

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