30. Devil's Advocate

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*A/N: hope everyone is having a great day <3 thank you so much for the support and sweet messages last week, y'all are amazing<3 I'm feeling a bit better I'm just trying to get in the swing of things.
Warnings: violence, blood, trauma? I'm sorry I'm terrible with warnings - Ren<3*

A tall gentleman wearing a suit entered the conference room, silencing everyone. One grave glance to your father, was enough to follow the man out. Mateo entered shortly after, taking a seat on the edge of the empty desk.

Flip and your brothers looked toward their direction. Gideon sighed and excused himself as he walked out. The agents all looked over to Mateo for answers.

"You clearly know why he's here-" Freya spoke, making an effort to look at him.

"I'm not the enemy, Freya." Mateo interrupted, looking bothered by her accusation.

"But you do know why he's here," Morgan stepped in front of him. "Stolas not being here might be why-"

"Stolas not being here isn't why he's here," Mateo pointed to the door, "Stolas knew nothing else besides the information you all know."

"Then why are you, of all people, are you here?" Flip asked, "clearly you don't have any useful information to help us find her."

"It helps to have Interpol involved with cases like this," Mateo adjusted his blazer. "Red rooms are hard to infiltrate."

"I've done it with no issues," Penelope spoke out. "You're only here because of yours and Salem's trial aren't you?" Mateo's eyes widened and looked to her.

"What trial?" Flip asked, standing from his seat. "What is she talking about?"

"I thought that was a rumor, considering she's not an agent anymore. I didn't think they'd go through with it." Alex spoke. She looked a bit shocked with the information.

"New evidence suggests otherwise," Mateo looked over to Freya and Nick. They all looked over to them, knowing the new 'evidence' he was talking about.

"So you're only here for your own selfish gain?" Penelope asked, Mateo glared at her. "You forget I oversee any small detail in any case. You need her to save your skin,"

"What the hell is she talking about?" Flip asked once more, he was getting frustrated. "Is Salem even aware of any of this?" Flip gestured with his hand.

"You think Rossi briefing with you was the only reason he went to Colorado." Mateo scoffed at Flip.
"That was just perfect timing, he was warning her just like he did with me."

Flip thought back to when your dad threatened Mateo or what Flip thought was a threat. He remembered how shocked Mateo looked that moment. Flip was hurt you didn't tell him anything about this. He knew why you didn't but he couldn't shake the fact that you could've told him.

"Enough of this bureaucratic bullshit!" Flip snapped. "We need to find her, none of this is helping." He rubbed his face in frustration.

Everyone stopped talking the moment the men walked towards the conference room. Gideon was the only one to return to the briefing. Everyone dropped the matter in seconds.

"Penelope pull up everything on Lucinda," Gideon took charge, "we need to know what she's been up to for the last years."

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