52. Interrogation

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*A/N: Happy Friday y'all:)
TW: slight degradation, pearl necklace (not jewelry;), enjoy - Ren <3*

"I'm not surprised by their decision Salem, you're overqualified for your position here." Bridges rubbed his chin, the pen in his hand nearly marking him. "Your presence here will be missed."

"Well, my team and I are only a phone call away. It's not like I'm dying." You smiled, slightly irritated. Strauss loved the dramatics.

"Well, at least we'll have someone familiar on that side." He smiled at you, placing both elbows on his desk. "It will be different without your input on cases, the boys are going to be forced to use their brains now," he teased. Flip chuckled with him.

"They're more than capable." You smiled at them.

"If the guys need a refresher," Flip began to speak, leaning back. "We do have SSA Zimmerman's lecture coming up." He grinned, never missing an opportunity to rave about you. 

Bridges smiled at you two. "Make sure you pick on them."  He pointed at you. "And you, Zimmerman, make sure they don't embarrass me." He looked at Flip before shuffling through paperwork on his desk.

"Yes, sir." Flip winked at you, giving you a shit-eating grin, which meant nothing but trouble and you loved it.

"Salem, I know you haven't officially started but I'd love it if your team-" Bridges held out files to you.

"I can't." You stopped him. His brows furrowed. "I'm not in the field. I'm speaking at lectures until they think I'm ready. I'm sorry.''

Bridges pressed his lips in a tight line before pulling back his arm. "Of course I understand." He nodded. "Since that's sorted, I still need to talk to Flip."

"Of course.'' You gave him a polite smile before walking out. You were greeted by Ron and Trapp walking into the office.

It felt a bit unreal that you'd become so attached to a place where you hadn't spent much time. Your last day at Quantico didn't feel like this.Maybe it was because it was your choice to leave; you weren't pushed out. It's not like you didn't miss it, you were just spoiled now. That's what Flip did, spoil you. Materialistic things didn't matter when you were with him. He spoiled you with his presence without suffocating you.

"Is it true?" Callahan didn't even let you walk into the annex. It was clear he had been waiting for you. They all had. The whole narcotics division looked at you. It reminded you of your first day there. Everything was really coming full circle. "You're actually leaving us?" Callahan looked distraught.

"Yes, I am." You couldn't exactly tell them what happened. "I'm lecturing then going back to my old position at the BAU-"

"Wait Flip is leaving too? Y'all are moving to Virginia?" Callahan sounded like a toddler that had his toy taken away. The other detectives snickered amongst each other at his reaction.

"No," you stopped him. "The unit has relocated here at the new facility. No one's moving." You smiled at his reaction to the information. "I thought Bridges briefed you?"

"The rookie missed yesterday's briefing," a detective teased. You gave them a scolding glare. "What? Chief said if he really cared to be there, he'd find out what he missed."

"Damn I'm gonna miss you being here." Detective Barnes stood up to hug you. "I guess we're stuck with grumpy Flip again." He grumbled under his breath.

You couldn't help but laugh. "Speaking of the grump, where is he?" Another detective asked you.

"He's in the office with the chief, Ron and Trapp," you informed them, sitting at your desk.

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