4. Unknown Accomplice.

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*warning: blood, violence, assault, possible sexual assault, mentions guns*

'You laid on the cold wet wood floor, trying to move but the pain, 'why can't I move? Why am I wet?' You started to panic, you tried to look around but it was dark, nothing but a desk lamp that was lit in the distance.

You were back at your apartment in DC, 'oh no' you thought.

'Ah my little kittens finally conscious,' the dark figure looked over you, you started to sob and whimper, you tried to speak but it was stuck in your throat.

'No no kitten, stay still or you'll cause me to hit an artery.' The man said chuckling lightly.

You blinked a couple times, try to see clearer. It was James.

'P-please don't, p-p' you croaked, your throat felt like it was on fire, he strangled you unconscious, you realized.

'Is that you begging kitten? Oh you can do better than that.' James said with a grin on his face, you shut your eyes to stop the tears from streaming down your face. You don't want to show him any emotion.

'Come on kitten, let me,' stab 'fucking' stab 'hear' stab, 'you!' He said as he stabbed my thigh over and over. You wailed at each hit.

The wetness was your blood dripping from your body, through your clothes, on to the floor. You were laying in a puddle of your blood. James smiled at you and said something, but you couldn't make out anything he was saying, it was like everything went silent, all you heard was ringing. He took two fingers and continued to jab them into your wounds.

Each time you screamed there was no noise that was coming out your mouth, an empty cry for help. No one was gonna save you from this nightmare, not your team, not your dad, and the state you are in, definitely not yourself.
*end of dream*

You woke up gasping for air, as if you were holding it underwater, you felt the dry tears on your face, cold sweats and you were trembling. You couldn't control it, you pushed your face into your pillow and and sobbed til you were hiccuping.

'It's ok, your okay, he can't hurt you,' you repeated to yourself, you took deep breaths to calm you. The tightness in your chest wasn't going away, you glanced at the clock, 4:55 am. You had an hour till you woke up, so you decided to take a bath to calm your nerves.

The boiling hot water ran, as you stripped off your oversized t-shirt and panties, you looked in the mirror and hated what you saw. The scars all over your abdomen, thanks to Freya your scars on your thigh were non existent.

You sat in the tub inhaling lavender and honeysuckle, it calmed your nerves. You tried to push that memory far behind your mind, you couldn't face it, not now at least. You sat there for a good ten minutes then you started scrubbing away that grimy feeling off your skin. Looking at your reflection in the horizontal mirror in front of you, was your tired dull eyes. Thank god you woke up earlier than usual you needed time to cover up your dark circles and puffy eyes.

You took your time to get ready, you needed to be calm. Which is an understatement considering, you had to interrogate a possible suspect, you focused on that. You can't have an anxiety attack at your new job. 'Get your shit together' you thought.

"Salem you look good! And the tattoo is healing beautifully." Freya said as she ate her breakfast, "here is some lotion for it, in case it gets dry or itchy, don't scratch or I'll kill you." She teased as she handed you the cream, you rolled your eyes and laughed.

"I won't, and thank you, I was gonna wear tights with this skirt but the tattoo would stick to the tights." You said as you popped a strawberry in your mouth.

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