18. You're not okay

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*A\N: I'm sorry this chapter took a while, I was so worried I wouldn't be able to execute what I was going for... it'll start off with Freya's POV. I just wanna say thank you to everyone that gives their love and support. Y'all mean so much to me ❤️ also, Mithridatism is the practice of protecting oneself against a poison by gradually self-administering non-lethal amounts. This will come up, I just don't want to confuse anyone.*

Washington D.C. 18 months before arriving in Colorado

*Freya's POV*

I kept my phone on the crook of my neck waiting for her to answer while I fished for her spare key out of my bag. She never let her phone ring for this long, even when she did over sleep.

Finally reaching to her door, i could hear her phone ringing. I reached to the door knob with the key but the door was unlocked. She never leaves it like that.
I walked in expecting her passed out on the couch. My heart dropped and my chest tightened at the state of her apartment. Her items were thrown everywhere, puddles of blood. My eyes welled up with tears I was frozen in time.

"Salem?" An airy whisper, "Salem?!" I asked louder, I was terrified to move, I didn't know what I'd see if I did, I was too scared. A chance my best friend, someone who I grew up with, practically my sister. Could be dead in another room. I looked to the floor, there was too much blood. I sobbed as I reached for my phone and dialed the number.

"Please pick up, please." I muttered as I tried controlling my crying. I felt like my lungs were being crushed, my head was spinning.

"Freya?" My father answered, "I'm sorry i-"

"Dad somethings wrong with Salem, her apartment has blood all over the floor, her door was unlocked I-I don't know what to, please dad I-" I couldn't even finish the sentence, it was like my voice stopped working all I could do was cry.

"We're on the way Freya, we'll contact PD. Stay put. Ok." Rossi said in a stern voice, I could hear him moving around. They must've had a meeting.

I couldn't get the images out of my head. That was all I could see. I couldn't imagine what happened in there, with out thinking of... my fathers voice snapped me out of that horrid thought. He kept talking keeping my mind distracted from the horrors that were behind that door.

Rossi walked in with the officer as well as the forensics team. He looked broken, i haven't seen him like this since her mother left but this was different. He was having trouble controlling his emotions which is rare for Rossi or any of them for that matter.

"Did he tell Eric and Liam? Dad?" I asked wiping my tears away. He exhaled and rubbed his neck he shook his head and waved at you to follow him. "Her brothers need to know!"

"Not until it's certain, their family has gone through enough heartbreak. Don't give me that look Freya, we'll do everything to bring her back. I need you safe, just please wait in my office, and Anderson will accompany you." My father said as we walked out the entrance.

The drive to Quantico was a blur, my mind was still trying to wrap around the thought of this happening to her. It felt like a fever dream, she was always so tough even growing up. Her brothers toughen her up so she could handle anything that came at her. Especially after their mother left, they were so worried she'd be fragile and vulnerable. It was the opposite because of that she grew up too fast. She'd make dinner, do laundry, make sure they were okay. She put them first before herself. Salem did everything her mother was supposed to do and be, so the family wouldn't fall apart.

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