28. Awakening

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*A/N: sorry for the late upload, anyways...
warnings: blood and violence/ description of violence. Hope you enjoy - Ren <3 *

The terror you felt when you saw James aim your firearm at Flip.

You needed to protect him, you couldn't let him get hurt.

The look on his face as you got hit, the pain and the fear in his voice as he tried to comfort you.
You couldn't remember past that.

'It fucking reeks of fish,' was your first thought as you tried opening your eyes.

The rain came steady against the window shield and rattled on the roof of the what you could assume was a van. You fell in and out of conscious, unable to move. You weren't even tied up, you laid face down on a tarp. Your eyes flickered upwards, Tears fell from your eyes as the sun started to set. James laughed from the drivers seat. You tried to speak but couldn't, the only thing that came out were whimpers.

"She's finally awake," he chuckled, "it's precious, she's trying to speak. guess you need to give her a higher dosage, we don't need her making a ruckus." You were confused as to why he wasn't speaking to you directly.

"Yes, of course." A soft female voice spoke behind you, you started to feel your fingers move then you got brave and tried to turn your head. "Stop trying to move, I'm patching you up." The soft voice spoke again.

"If she gets feisty just hit her wounds, that'll shut her up." The van stopped, from the window shield you could see street lights.

"I am not going to do that," the woman snapped at him, "i can handle it." She practically snarled.

"She better not have gangrene like the first one you fucked up." James said slamming the door behind him. The women sighed and moved behind you, silence washed over.

You kept thinking to the last moment with Flip and the look on his face. Fuck, you hated the pain you caused him. Not just him but everyone in your life, your brothers, your dad, your friends, and Freya.

You had to remind yourself that they were safe and he can't touch them anymore. You kept replaying Freya's voicemail in your head over and over again. You had to fight back, you have to survive this.

All that escaped from your mouth were whimpers and suddenly you could feel your mouth move. The drug was wearing off, it must've been a sedative of some sort.

"You're going to slowly regain function of your body soon enough," the woman spoke, "but it doesn't mean you should move. You're injuries are nasty, the fish skin is going to help." you felt hands grab your shoulders.

You grunted as she flipped you to your back, you couldn't see her face. She backed up and sat on a bucket in the corner of the van, the darkness cloaking her. All you saw was blue jeans and hiking shoes. Her voice was so gentle but so familiar.

"W-,I-" you tried to speak but your throat was on fire. "w-what..." you couldn't form a sentence.

"Your throat is damaged," she pulled out a tiny bag of powder, "I'm sorry but he's coming." She moved towards you, blowing the dust in your face. You started to cough violently, all you could do is inhale the dust.

Everything went fuzzy again, your vision blurred again. James stepped back into the van.

"Good, you followed orders." You could hear him put his seatbelt on, "I hope you two were able to catch up...." his voice blurred out and everything went dark.


Music played in the distance, you could hear the record skipping in the other room.

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