41. Hide and Seek

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*a/n: happy Thursday :) -Ren <3
warning: mentions crime scene, smut, slight description of ptsd*

Flip was jittery the moment you both stepped into the waiting room. He kissed your forehead before checking you in, his hands constantly running through his hair. Flip cleared his throat as he took a seat next to you, still fidgeting. His leg bounced with anticipation. Your hand gently squeezed his thigh to calm him.

"Sorry angel, I'm just a bit nervous." Flip leaned back into the chair and rubbed his face, his hand supporting his head. His eyes were sunken in and dark, his eyes red from the lack of sleep. Last week you both decided to officially move into his place. Now that Freya wasn't completely alone, it gave you some peace of mind.

"You're nervous?" you scoffed at him. He lifted his face from his hands. "It's not your appointment, babe." you spoke quietly, smiling as you leaned into him. Flip's eyes jumped from your lips to your eyes as the smile grew on his face. You gave him a quick peck on the lips to ease his nerves. "It'll be okay."

"Okay," he breathed out as he nodded. He sat up straight and continued to fidget the longer you waited. It was worse when you were put into a room. The scratchy fabric of the gown and the cool breeze hitting your backside made you uneasy. while you sat on the medical table you'd swing your feet or rub your fuzzy socks together to distract yourself. Flip would pace back and forth, grumbling as he'd check his watch.

Flip had been on edge and restless since he'd been working the case. Leaving you to do most of the moving, it wasn't too bad since it was mostly clothes. As for your safe, you just called vault pro and they were able to move it for you. Flip still felt guilty that you were left with the details, but you didn't mind. You knew he'd help if he had any control of the matter, in fact, he'd call to check in any moment he had free. Even if he and Ron stepped out for the case and you were stuck doing reports with Callahan, he'd call and check in.

While Flip would work overnights, you handled certain wedding details that didn't need his attention. During those details your dad finally returned your call and let you know all was well with his previous case. He also wanted to know details that you settled on for the wedding, he then proceeded to end the call with 'I'll handle it'. That could mean anything with your dad.

Each question the doctor asked you, Flip was quick to answer for you and ramble on. The doctor had a lot of patience as he reassured Flip of his worries. After five minutes of them going back and forth, the doctor settled into a stool sitting in front of you.

The laminated posters of different body functions, the importance of handwashing, even the effects of smoking covered the blinding white walls of the examination room. You took deep breaths as the doctor removed the remaining stitches on your left hand. Flip's hand tightened around yours. He sat on your right side, watching the doctor carefully. You didn't know who was more nervous, Flip or the doctor removing the stiches.

"Even if the stitches are out, she should still take it easy right, Doc?" Flip furrowed his brows, his eyes focused on your hand. The doctor glared at him before continuing to remove the stitches.

"Is he always like this?" the doctor asked you, pointing the tweezers at Flip. You stifled a laugh. You could feel Flip's gaze on you. "Open and close your hand for me, are you in any pain?" the doctor looked at you.

The three vertical incisions are now pink plump scars, including the one on the ring finger. It looked less permanent compared to the larger scars on top of your hand. As you flexed your hand the bone plates were noticeable. "No pain. It just feels a bit odd."

"Odd?" Flip repeated, the doctor sighed in frustration. "Is that normal? should she still wear the brace? I don't think it's a good idea for her to be cleared for the field-" Flip started to ramble.

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