46. Pride

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*A/N: Sorry it took a while, I wanted to perfect this chapter and I kept rewriting it. Anyway hope you enjoy ❤️ -Ren❤️*

The sun peeked through the small window in Sam's office. You buried your face into Flip's jacket, too scared to open your eyes to face reality. Mornings were a sacred thing to you and Flip. He'd always shower you with kisses, waking you up gently. His large hands would caress your curves; you'd lean into his touch. Flip's fingertips always lingered a little longer on your hip and his lips planted wet kisses on your neck and shoulder. His strong arms always pulled you closer to his body. It was always a miracle that you two were never late.

Footsteps stomped towards the office and the door swung open, "Salem get up," a familiar male voice spoke. "If you're gonna be at the gym during my sessions you might as well put some work in."

You gripped the metal bar and sat up, rubbing your eyes. "Jimmy?'' you croaked, your voice was hoarse. "I'm good, I'm just gonna go."

Jimmy crossed his arms, "Oh yeah? Go where exactly?" He stepped towards you, looking at the wall clock. "I think you would've been there already. Don't ya think?"

"To get my things," you spoke softly. You felt your heart sink into your stomach. Jimmy watched how your mood changed. Your hands gripped around the bars as you sat up.

"You sure about that?" You looked up at him. "You don't sound so sure." He eyed your appearance. "You look like hell by the way," he scoffed, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"Thanks, I just got back." Your mind immediately thought of the flames from last night. "What's your excuse?" you jabbed back. "Age or poor diet?"

"Ha, funny." He mocked a laugh before glaring at you. "Meet me at the ring in ten." Jimmy ordered. He hovered by the door anticipating your next movement. "Come on now, chop chop." He clapped at you. "We don't have all day."

Jimmy pulled an apple from his tracksuit jacket, taking a large bite out of it and walking out of the office. You made your way to the locker room, the far corner in the back. It took you a moment to open your locker. Your hand rested on the handle. Did Flip send Jimmy? Did Jimmy know what had happened between the two of you? Whatever it was, it felt like you were in the twilight zone. Maybe a session was what you needed.

Trapp informed Flip that both you and Ron had taken a personal day and that he would have to report to Callahan. Flip had tried contacting Ron but he wasn't answering, neither was Freya. First you leave him, now this? Was everyone angry at him? Flip sighed. He didn't blame them. Flip hadn't slept at all. After he was kicked out of Freya's, he spent most of the night driving. Flip couldn't bear the thought of going back to an empty house. The look on your face haunted him. Your eyes widened in fear, your lip trembling, the tears that streamed down your cheeks, your forehead creasing. Flip could hear the hurt in your voice when you yelled and it was all because of him.

Callahan approached Flip's desk, throwing a file on top of it. "It's almost nine, Stolas wants an audience, but Salem isn't here so you're taking the call. I gotta talk with Claire and a sketch artist." He rattled off without even looking at Flip.

"Callahan, wait." Flip sat up straight. "Have you heard from her?" Flip could feel the judgmental stares from the other detectives. It was as if he had turned into the plague. Everyone avoided him and no one acknowledged his presence.

"No. She hasn't returned my calls." Callahan's tone was harsh. "Watch for her line, he's always punctual ." He walked back to his desk.

Callahan might have been a lot of things, and he might not have been the best at a lot, but one thing was  for sure, he was loyal. Flip was the last person he'd suspect of writing that report. Whenever Flip asked how you were, Callahan assumed he was just being a concerned fiancé. He should've never told Flip about the motel. Looking back, Callahan should've realized you did what you had to do to get answers. Callahan was angry at himself. He felt like it was partially his fault. He really didn't know what you saw in Flip. He tried to warn you but you took offense to it. Granted, Callahan pushed his luck by acting like you two were old friends. He should've known better considering the last time you saw him he was sixteen. Of course, you still saw him as the sixteen year old from all those years ago. It wasn't till the third patrol that you started to take him more seriously. Callahan just couldn't believe Flip even had a chance with you. He had always seen you as unattainable, too good for anyone. 

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