14. My girl

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*A/N: there is smut in this chapter and brief description of violence. Y'all comments crack me up 😂 -Ren<3*

You felt groggy, like a really bad hangover. 'Shit, I haven't felt like this since college.' You thought as you sat up. Your head was pounding, the pressure that built up was unbearable. It felt like your head was going to implode.

"Fucking shit." You winced, sitting up. You haven't even opened your eyes yet. You could feel the bright white light through your eye lids.

"I'd take it slow if I were you, the combination of drug they used isn't kind." A familiar male voice said from across the room.

You placed your hands over your eyes and rubbed them, you mentally prepared yourself.

"I'd wear sunglasses if I were you, Kalani." The voice spoke again, you can hear the cockiness in his voice.
'It can't be,' you thought your eyes shot open and looked at the man sitting in a chair by the door.

"Nick?!" You smiled, Nick stood up and walked towards you, stopped you from standing up.

"Nick?!" You smiled, Nick stood up and walked towards you, stopped you from standing up

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"It's good to see you Kalani, I've missed you." Nick sat next to you, you couldn't help but hug him, tightly. "Geez Salem, Colorado made you soft." He teased

"I've missed you kid wonder," you sniffled a single tear rolled down your cheek, "I'm so sorry, I-I.." you hiccuped

"Hey knock it off, that's like me apologizing for being kidnapped." He said smiling at you.

"Wait, why- how are you here?" You asked you looked around the room then looked down at yourself, you were wearing Flips flannel, "where's Flip?" You asked with your brows furrowed.

"Freya called me and told me what happened, as for your boyfriend, he went to change he'll be back." You looked at him confused, "don't give me that look, Gideon already told us" he laughed, you rolled your eyes.

"Men are the biggest gossips, i swear." You almost groaned "wait, my dad doesn't know right?" You asked worried.

"No, i didn't say. I just told him, i needed to do something before hand and I'll meet them at the next case... Salem, they used a homemade Dilaudid or they at least tried to. The thing with this formula is that, it was made with uppers and downers." Nick explained

"That doesn't make sense... how was I even drugged?" You asked confused.

"The bartender" Flip said from the door, "what do you remember?" He walked closer, he looked concerned.

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