20. Secrets

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*Flip's POV*

I watched as she angrily stomped away following Bridges to his office. You had every right to be upset, Bridges was hiding something from you. The only detectives that know about the case are Ben and Stan, they've been silent.

"Trapp, why isn't she on the case? We all know she'd crack it." One detective spoke up. There were murmurs among them agreeing with him.

"Enough, don't worry about that. I need y'all to focus." Trapp said angrily.

"So there is something?" Everyone looked at Flip, "the way you phrased that sentence, Suggest that." Flip said looking at Trapp.

Trapp sighed and rolled his eyes. "Don't do that Flip. Don't start acting like your girlfriend. Hurry and head over to the site. I'm not dealing with this shit." Trapp grumbled walking out of the room.

"Yo, what's the deal with this case?" Ron asked the two detectives.

"It's a need to know basis, you guys know this." Stan said walking out, Ben mumbled a sorry as he followed his partner out. Flip huffed in annoyance.

"Did Salem not know about Dan? She looked surprised," Flip asked Ron as they walked out.

"She was their when dispatch said it through the radio, " Ron rubbed his beard, "she's probably still disoriented from the concussion. Your girl needs a break." Ron scoffed.

"You try telling her that. My girls stubborn." Flip chuckled smiling like an idiot. He remembered when he told you to stay home and rest for the week, how you nearly freaked out at the idea. How flustered you got just by thinking of it. It was adorable.

They walked passed Bridges office, they were curious to see what was happening. They were shocked to see a group of some officers attempting to be discreet. They heard the yelling before they saw anything. Bridges was red in the face and you matching his energy. Both at each other's throats, the most he does is raise his voice. He never turns red.

"Oh is princess having a meltdown? It was a matter of time." Landers chuckled Flip turned to face him, Ron was quick to place a hand on his chest, stopping him.

"Call her that again and you'll be pissing out of your ass landers." Flip snarled at him

"Do that and you'll be under my authority," Landers jabbed back, stepping closer to him.

"C'mon not now, we gotta go." Ron said holding Flip back, Flip listened to Ron and headed to his car. He couldn't let Landers get under his skin.

"You and Salem are two peas in a fucking pod," Ron scoffed as he got behind the wheel. "Having to hold you two back, like it's my damn job." Ron muttered shaking his head.

Flip laughed, Ron was right. It was like you two were made for each other. It was like the altercation with Landers didn't happen, the moment he thought of you. He liked to think that you were just made for him, his beautiful angel.


It was a shit show, the park was filled with people and reporters. The location of the body was secluded, surrounded by trees and bush. The only reason the body was spotted was because a group of kids were messing around.

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