Hello. It's me.

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Anastasia's POV ~

My first day sucked ass.

That nickname was still going around and that's what everybody called me.

Lionel was an upper-classman so we weren't in any of the  Royal classes and only in one normal one since he was taking advanced and AP everything. All I was left with was Grave and Elena and of course my sister. She didn't do anything today, she just chose her group and titled herself as the leader.

This girl followed me around. It was weird... and annoying but she looked at me like no one had before. She was curious and didn't make any pre-formed impressions of me so I wasn't especially mean to her but I did shoo her away after a while because she kept getting too close.

She had fluffy raven hair and vibrant emerald eyes. Those were the traits of the Rodask family just as our traits are our golden blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes. We were supposed to learn the traits of each family because most of us hadn't met before and we were supposed to at least be able to greet them formally and show respect.

Ugh I look in the mirror

I hate this. I hate this so much.

Oh god. I look even meaner, hot though, but mean.

We had different colors too but blue just fits me more

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We had different colors too but blue just fits me more. The boys also had uniforms although theirs were made more graceful and you could see they obviously put more thought into it and had matching colors with ours.

I went downstairs after I got ready and entered the grand dining room.

"Princess Anastasia has arrived." A butler announced and I sighed and put on my bitch face which is honestly just...my face.

I walked in and my sister, Lucille, was already seated and was elegantly eating her food while ignoring my entrance.

My brother, Lionel, was also seated. He smiled at me lightly and nodded as a greeting.

I smiled back and started walking towards my seat. He gave me a look while then looking at Lucille and I giggle quietly.

"Careful sister, your emotions are showing," she says finally acknowledging me. I can see Leo roll his eyes and clear my throat.

"Careful sister, your enmity is showing." She scowled and went back to eating and so did I as a maid set my plate down.

The dining room was filled with a deadly silence until we hear rapid footsteps and the dining room door slams open and the three princesses run in.

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