Too many pillows.

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Dominique's POV ~

"Would you like to sleep over?" I ask

"Uh- S-sure yeah." I nod

"We don't have any guest rooms right now since they're getting cleaned. Do you mind sleeping in my room?" Liar.

"No. It's fine."

"You sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch." I say

"I can't let you do that, Your Highness." She says indifferently

"Oh- Okay, here." I get her one of pajamas and hand it to her.

"I'll change in the bathroom." I say and head into my bathroom quickly.

Liar Liar Pants On Fucking Fire.

I get my phone out and call Michaela.

"Yea? What's up babe?" She says

"You can't come." I say quickly

"Why not?" She asks. I add Adrienne in the call.

"I still have some work to do and can't afford to slack off right now." Fucking liar.

" oh okay." Adrienne says

"It's okay. We'll come over when you have time then you are the princess after all." Fuck.

"Thanks you guys. I'll make it up to you. Promise. Love you." I hang up and get changed quickly.

I leave the bathroom and Anastasia is sitting idly on my bed.

I chuckle a little bit and go up to her.

"Right or left?" I ask smiling


"Side. Which side?"

"Oh uh right." I nod and she lays down.

I move to the other side of the bed and lay down as well.

"Will your family not worry?" I ask softly as we laid on our sides looking the opposite way.

" No, I texted my brother so he'll tell father."

"You have 5 brothers, right?" I ask trying to make small talk

"Yeah... you've met Lionel and Raymond, right?"


"You know we were trying to...., right?"

"Yeah" I say laughing

"At least y'all gave me options" I laugh and she does as well

"Mmm" she hums and I could tell she was sleepy so I kept quiet.

I drowned in the silence.

I turn around looking at her fluffy hair. Hmm. I wish I could touch it.

I bring my hand up and slide my fingers across her tips. My hand freezes when she moves and I take my hand away.

She turns around and i immediately shut my eyes but when she doesn't say anything I open them up again.

She's fast asleep and so close. She snuggles up to me breathing on my neck.


I reach my hand out and play with her hair and fall asleep.



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I woke up with A- the princess almost completely on top of me. Her face was right next to my neck, breathing on it. Her left leg was on top of mine and her arm was on my stomach. My hand was in her hair and my arm around her waist.

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