The Beginning of the War

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Dominique's POV -

Father, Julian, and I have been busy.

Father has been sending non-stop letters to the other 4 Kings in the Syndicate. Most of them took our side and agreed to help us while others were more hesitant to go up against the North, which was coming up as a future empire.

Rodask in itself had the strongest military forces in the United Kingdom but I had personally seen how strong the Udril Army was and how they were only spat on because of their status and their wild way of fighting.

Julian and I trained with Amir every day and had meetings with Wyatt and Lord Trevor about future possible strategies.

We were currently stepping out of the room, leaving Lord Trevor behind, when I heard Michel's voice coming from inside Father's office.

"Father, I'm ahead of my class in swordsmanship. Please, Let me help."

"Is he still going on about that?" Julian says

"He wants to come with us. He feels useless. We've all felt like that." I remarked

" He's 15. He's too young."

"You and I both went to our first war at 16." I say

"I was the Crown Prince and you begged like hell to go. You wrapped Father around your pretty teenage finger and voluntarily traumatized yourself for life. He shouldn't do that."

"I do agree about that. He shouldn't come. Speaking of which, are Scott and Lucio coming?"

"Scott is rallying up spirits with the people and Lucio is spying on the North."

"So Scott's our face?"

"He's the public's golden boy. He's making sure the people don't riot about the rise in taxes to pay for the war."

"I'm worried, Julian." He slows and looks over at me

"They'll be fine,"

"Unfortunately, Scott's all talk and no show. He's never been to war and he's not training with us. Lucio has fought in battles but has never had to sleep in a freezing tent or eaten mediocre food, That doesn't change. It won't matter if you're a simple knight or a Royal."

"Scott will come train with us soon. Lucio isn't a kid, Nik. He can handle it. He has to." Julian walks away into his room before I can say another word and I lean on Wyatt.

"I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too, Nikki,"

"I have to meet with the lawyer tomorrow, about my will." I say putting my head on his shoulders

" Don't you dare die on me," I let out a weak laugh

"I'll try," He kisses the top of my head and we stop In front of his room and he lets me go and goes inside. I walk a little farther for my room and immediately pass out on the bed.

"Your Highness," I almost jump awake at Nette's voice

"Hmm?" I hum out a response

"It's morning. Time for breakfast." I nod and Nette gets me ready

I walk to the door of the dining room and the big double door slide open

"Her Highness has arrived." I nod curtly at the guard and sit down next to Lucio.

"How's Dana's friend doing?"

"Well. No suspicious movements."

"Good. How was your trip to the north?"

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