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"She's in love with you." I look at her softly

"I know..." I say and she just looks at me

"You've got to be kidding me?" she says and walks towards me and we go to a more secluded part of the hallway.

"You're leading her on!" she whispered yelled at me

"" she looked at me angrily and sighed

"What is wrong with you?" she said as concern filled her face.

She was really pissing me off right now.

"Really? It's none of your business. Don't worry about Adrienne, I can let her go if you want me to. It's not me who will get hurt. She can be replaced. I thought of you but seeing how mad you are right now I don't think that's an option anymore, huh?" I said and pushed her off me to leave.

I see Wyatt and Michaela looking at me and Wyatt sighed and offered me his hand.

I walked to him and grabbed his hand harshly before calming down. Michaela looks back at Anastasia and then touches my back to comfort me.

We all go to the limo together and wait for Adrienne since she texted saying to wait for her because she needed a ride.

" Did you really need to say that there?" Wyatt asked as he sighs

"Why? did the whole school hear it?" I say annoyed

"No we were just close but they could've."

"Are you going to break up with her?" Michaela asks

"We're not dating. I don't understand why you don't shoot your shot with her? She's vulnerable." I say as I laid my head back on the seat and shut my eyes

"I-" Michaela was interrupted when Adrienne walks in and sits next to me.

"go away" I shoo her away and Wyatt, being the bastard that he is, laughs.

"She's angry cause she had a fight with Anastasia," Michaela said to her as the limo started and Adrienne moved to sit next to her.

"Oh? Why so?" Adrienne not so innocently asked

"Who knows? so sad." I say and Wyatt laughs again

"Shut up," I tell him lifting my head from the seat and sitting properly.

" What? It's funny. You're a bitch." he says and laughs again making Adrienne more confused.

"Wait," I said as I circled back to what Mick said.

"Did you just call her Anastasia?" I said and she gasped. I laugh.

"You bitch. you have so many hoes I never expected one of them to also be a princess," she said and covered her mouth

"That's disrespectful," I say shaking my head mocking her

"Shut up." I saw that Adrienne had so many questions so I just changed the topic.

"How'd it go today with your dad?" I ask Mick

"ehh he just practiced and I kept him company until 5th period and then he left to take care of errands."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. He's the one that keeps choosing his work over his daughter"

"I can ask father to let him leave more often"

"Don't bother he'll figure out something else to do that isn't hanging out with me, His majesty knows that." Wyatt laughs and I glare at him

"I'm sorry but yall have so many issues it's funny." Michaela laughs with him but I just lay my head back and sigh.

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