Day 3: The Tournament

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Anastasia's POV-

I wake up with Dominique at my side. I turn around and I'm engulfed.

I touch the bed from the other side of Dominique and lift myself trying to get out.

I was on top of Dominique with arms on the sides of her face.

I look at her for a moment as she slept calmly and then carefully moved to get out of the bed.

I finally get out and I'm sitting on the floor as I look for my shoes.

"Where are you going?" Dominique asks hoarsely and half-asleep.

"I need to go back to my room, " I say leaning forward whispering so I wouldn't wake up the other two.

"Hmm, " she says near my ear

"Why?" she simply asks

"Your mother wouldn't appreciate the Princess of The North in your bedroom." she laughs quietly at that and smiles

"Maybe but she wouldn't do anything don't worry."

"Still, I should go. I have to get ready for the tournament soon anyway"

She groans

"I'm already so exhausted from the Hunt. They really had to go and be extra didn't they?"

"Hmm," I say smiling. I find my shoes and walk towards the door.

"See you later, Princess," she says as I left and I smile.

I go into my room and change for breakfast.

There's a knock on my door as I was changing

"Who is it?" I ask

" It's me, Your Highness."

"Oh, Mary, Come in."

"Let me guess, breakfast?" I say

"Yes, Miss, but apparently the other royal families are joining us as well."

"Really?" I ask as I slide on a simple sunflower dress

Mary nods and walks behind me as I head towards the castle's dining hall.

"Hey," I say to Leo sitting beside him as Father and mother sat next to each other and all of us sat down uncomfortably

"Where are they?" Lucille asks

King Edmund and Queen Alison walk in along with Prince Julian and Prince Wyatt and sit down next to us

The room was silent until the door opened and Dominique walked in with Lucio and they were whispering to each other.

"Breakfast between family huh?" she says and greets my parents as well as my siblings

She sits down next to Prince Lucio and he seems worried so he keeps whispering to her here and there until she says something to him and starts talking to my father.

They talked casually for a few minutes before the rest started coming in.

All of the Royal families were seated at one incredibly large and long table.

King Edmund finished first and he stood up and excused himself from the table.

Dominique and Julian went behind him and that's when I noticed Amir by the door and he handed Julian his sword and Dominique's two swords to her.

They were going to train.

The tournament is talked about less than the Hunt by the commoners mostly because The Hunt was a public display and even tho so was the tournament most people watched it on TV and most commoners couldn't afford one. However, to the Royals, the tournament was an intense competition between the houses, and even if two people from the same house went against each other the one with higher status would win.

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