The Trip Back

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Dominique's POV -

Nette wakes me up and I wobbly walk to the bathroom and take a shower.

I walk out and look in the mirror.

my eyes are pretty red. I should cover that up before anyone sees them.

"Go Nette I'll get dressed myself."

"But Your Highness-"

"Go," she nods

I put on some jeans and a hoodie. I put makeup on and fix the redness in my eyes.

I walk out of the room and we all meet up in front of the limo.

The air was tense and awkward.

I tsk and walk into the limo.

My phone pings and I look at it and decide to just entertain myself with it instead of being so uncomfortable.

Lucio sits next to me quietly.

I look up from my phone and he gestures at Dana's little friend.

"I dealt with it for you. I told Nette to take her in for a little while." He says

"Thank you. Seriously."

"Amir told me about the other thing."

"Mmm, I forgot about that."

"I figured but we're going to need it if we're really going to war."

"It won't grow that fast, "

"But it'll grow enough, right?" he asks

I look at him quietly and nod

"Yeah, "

"Good because I heard they have been planning this war from the beginning."

"That can't be true, "

"Well, apparently, it is so be ready sister you might have to hurt a friend or two, " he says and stands up to sit across from me.

I stay quiet and go back to my phone as the limo crowds up.

Jaime comes up to me and sits

"Hey," I say and she lays on my lap

I laugh as she just ignores me and closes her eyes.

We quickly get to the airport and we all go into the plane and go our separate ways

I hid in the room with Lucio and the dragon in his bag with the door closed so no one would come in.

"I haven't seen it in a few days but it looks like it grew" I say petting her scaly skin

"Careful, she'll burn your finger if she gets too excited"

"Uh-" I take my hand away and she just plays with a small blanket Amir used to put her to sleep

"She's not a pet," I say looking at the blanket

"Yeah, well, you should've thought of that before you took it"

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