Alice In Zombieland

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Dominique's POV ~

It had been a few days since I had talked to the princess because I couldn't really find a good time or place also things were hella awkward right now.

We were all chatting in our first class waiting for our teacher when the door opened.

We all quieted down expecting the teacher but it was a girl instead.

"Who are you?" Grace asks

"I'm new. I'm Dana Iliad, 1st Princess of Iliad Empire." She had diamond blonde hair and it looked almost white which happened to match with her outfit for the day. She had beautiful green eyes and with those same eyes she looked at me.

So happy and joyful and perfect.

So.... boring.

I look back at her unimpressed and she just smirks and looks at everyone else including the princess.

"Iliad..." I whisper to myself as she sits down and the teacher finally comes in just chilling.

After our first class, everyone starts heading towards their second but I stop by the wall and call Lucio.

"Did you hear?" I ask

"Yeah, I truly didn't know." He says

"I know. It's fine but if they kept her hidden enough for you to not know then they really hid her existence."

"How is she?"

"She's boring." he laughs on the other line.

"She was kept as a hidden princess in a patriotic kingdom, I'm sure she'll entertain you after you get to know her. I'll keep digging."

"Hmm okay thanks broth--er..."

I hang up and look the girl in front of me.

"Do you need something?" I ask the hidden princess.

" nothing. Just curious."

"Shouldn't you be in class right now?" I ask

"Shouldn't you?"

"Hmm, feisty princess." I flirt. She laughs and walks with me into the class.

I walk in and look at my regular seat next to Anastasia but look away as Dana takes my arm and seats me next to her.

Anastasia looks back at me before looking away with a particular look on her face. I really couldn't tell what she was thinking since she was trying really hard to hide her feelings.

"So...where are you staying?" I whisper slightly leaning towards her seat.

"I'm staying at the dorms for now."

"Really? I thought they only allowed 2nd years or higher.

"They made an exception for me."

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