Ramsey's bow.

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Dominique's POV ~

It was Friday and we were in our 4th-period class. When the class ended, I stayed behind for a bit and got something from my locker before going to my next class since we just had lunch.

I was walking to my class but there were a bunch of kids crowded around and I couldn't get past. I pushed myself through the crowd and eventually get up there.

I see the Princess in front of Ramsey demanding no commanding him to Kneel.

"Kneel," Anastasia says with such a cold glare that it could freeze everyone on their step. Wyatt fills me in and turns out dear Ramsey there tried to push himself unto Anastasia.

"I. Said. Kneel." He takes a small step forward. The princesses weren't allowed to carry swords so I unsheathed Wyatt's sword from his hip and pointed it at Ramsey. The sharp edge barely touching his skin yet still sharp enough to cut even a small amount. small amounts of blood were dripping from the small wound.

He hesitantly and slowly dropped to the ground and put his head down. I pressed his head with the sword for him to go lower. I made him go as low as his head touching the ground and completely submitting.

Anastasia didn't say anything instead she just walked away. I threw Ramsey a dirty look before handing Wyatt his sword back and going after the princess.

"Princess!" I slightly yell

She turns back to me and sighs

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, your highness," she says politely. I sigh.

"Dominique. That is my name, Call me by it."

"I will not." I laugh lightly and nod

"had to try. Would you like to go home?" I ask

"I cannot. School is not over yet." I smile

"Don't worry about that. Come." I lead her out of the school and into a car. We go in and it drives us to the airport.

"Where would you like to go?" I ask softly

"Udril," she says her voice changing tones slightly

"Is that your home, princess?" I was aware of the situation for the concubines and princesses of The Northern empire as it was a quite popular topic during Royal meetings. In the Northern Empire, once a princess is born she is sent away with her caregiver or her mother and endures strict and constant education until the king looks for them.

Anastasia was a rare case as the King came looking for her when she was only 5 and no one knows why. I do know however that the King developed feelings for the princess and officially named her the 1st princess of The empire and after her 4 other princesses followed.

"Yes," she answers. I nod and give directions to the pilot.

We walked out of the plane and I could see that Udril was not in perfect shape, in fact, it was a slum compared to the l'domine

I looked over to Anastasia and she had a small smile on her face and her eyes held a caring look almost like looking at your child and as bad and troublemaking as they were still your own.

"Shall we?" I ask and we start walking to the limo that was parked by the private airport. We drive around and I observe what Anastasia looks at so adoringly.

It had pathetic excuses for buildings, rocky almost destroyed roads, and desperate dreadful looking people by the sideroads but If you looked closely the people were joyful.

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