Sweep and Weep them in rows.

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I walk inside and sit next to the girl.

"Excuse me. You can't sit there." She says sharply

" I said- Are you a noble?" I just laugh and ignore her

Her friend looks at me and then just goes to the back.

The class continues as normal but Wyatt, who was sitting behind me, tapped my shoulder.

I bent my back a little and he whispered in my ear,

" What are you doing? You made her angry."

" Who is she anyway?" I ask a little confused

" Oh my god, that's Anastasia DuPont. She's the Ice Princess."

" Oh shit okay well I won't make her angry anymore but I still won't move"

" Jesus." He says shaking her head

I sit correctly in my seat and continue to listen.

She kept giving me an ice-cold stare and I just kept smiling at her.


It was lunch and we'd gone through maybe half of the Royal Classes but we'd go to the normal ones next and then at the end of the day, we had another Royal Class.

" Hi, babe," Michaela said kissing me on the cheek as she sat down. Adrienne came behind her and sat next to Wyatt across from me.

We were at the Royal Table, it sounds cliche I know but it was mandatory. The school believed that the more we socialized together later when we were ruling our respective countries we would have a stronger alliance.

It isn't only for Royals though, thank god, so Michaela can sit here too.

" Where's your brother? shouldn't he be here?" She asks.

I look around the table but I stopped once I reached the princess, she was sitting with two other girls, one of them was the other noble girl other than Michaelaand Adrienne and the other was Grace Ferguson, Crown Princess of Etrus. She's the oldest heir but Etrus does have a prince, Wallace.

Her face remains the same. She looks like she's fairly enjoying their conversation yet her face doesn't show it, It's emotionless.

I snap out of my gaze and look around the rest of the table. It looks like all the "groups" had been established.

There was no Julian.

I took out my phone and nodded towards Wyatt. He turns towards me to at least try to block the view of the professor who was in the middle of the room.

" Yeah, Julian speaking." He says.

" Where are you?"

" I'm out of school. They don't care if you skip during lunch"

" They don't?"

" Wouldn't recommend doing it on the first day though, sends a bad message. ill take you with me tomorrow."


" Oh and Dom... Watch out for Ramsey Patridge."

"Who?" I look towards Wyatt and whisper the name to Wyatt

" Noble. House Patridge, umm they...specialized mostly in farming and stuff" he whispers back

" Yeah, he's a big son of a bitch that loves to put his hands on women, especially, the pretty ones." I subconsciously look over to the princess

" Okay, I'll watch out for him," I say and he hangs up

" If his family handles farming then his father's title maybe what? a baron at best."

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