A/N - small rant

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ew ew ew ew y'all ok I've only stopped writing for like a few weeks...I think? But I reread this and I regret so much 😭

Please kill me now.

I just wanna rewrite this whole things like dense and flirty Dominique was okay. We liked her. Asshole Dominique is a no no for me.

I only did it so I could have something kinda complex to write so I wouldn't drop this like I did The Two Alphas but now I'm having a whole crisis rn.

Someone help 😭😭

Anyway, currently contemplating life and past decisions that's why I haven't updated in a bit. 😔✌🏼

I might start a new book ngl which ik ik is a mistake cause I literally haven't finished any of the books I've written but I'm not gonna drop this. I promise. Even if it like takes me years to finish.

I might drop a sneak peak on here in the future if y'all are interested.

Okay that's all lmao end of rant.

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