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^^ Dominique

Anastasia's POV ~

Dammit. How annoying. An annoying little pest.

"What's got your panties in a twist, sister?" Lionel asks me as he approached me and kisses my forehead my cold look not leaving my face.

"Ouch, such an Icy little thing aren't we?" He joked around with me. I don't give him an inch and he sighs.

"What's wrong, Stace?" He says sweetly

"Really? Did you have to use your nickname privileges now?"

"Come on, loosen up. Tell your big bro what's wrong,"

" It's- Dominique Heath and that new Iliad Princess, Dana."

"Are you afraid that they might form an alliance or something?"

"Sure, yeah, there's that."

"Or are you jealous? I heard from Lucille that she has been clinging to you until that princess came along."

"I'm not jealous. She was a pain. If Iliad and Rodask ally they can take over The United Kingdoms and then us."

"Okay... well don't worry too much about it. Raymond is currently working on marriage between us and the Heaths."

"That...doesn't make me feel any better."

"Of course it wouldn't since you're...jealous."

"I'm not. I'm not even into girls like that so just stop it." He sighs


"Weren't you also interested in her?"

"Interested? Ehh no but I am one of her options but it doesn't matter since she probably has thousands of options I bet even some including princes from Iliad or hey even the princess."  I ignore the obvious try to piss me off which worked but I didn't show it.

"Then shouldn't you be working on the proposal too?"

"Raymond will take care of it and besides it won't matter much anyway she's the daughter of The United Kingdom's most powerful army. Rodask's army may even be on par with Udril in fact in some ways they're better."

"Stop talking nonsense, Leo," I say and walk away into my room after a long day of school.


"You're Anastasia, right?" I turn around and Dana Iliad is behind me.

"Yes. Princess Anastasia DuPont, nice to meet you." I say coldly

"The Ice Princess... Ouch, it must hurt to have a nickname like that." I stop walking and she seems to stumble a bit at my sudden stop.

"Do you need something?" I seethe

"No, not really, you are pretty though so I get it."

"Get what?"

"Nothing. Never mind." She laughs

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