Tea time.

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Dominique's POV ~

"You missed practice."

Oh jeez.

" Amir..." I sigh

" I'm sorry. Truly, I am. I lost track of time." he chuckles

"You're the princess, you don't have to apologize to me just use your phone next time." he walks away and I go into my room.

I sigh.

Today was a long day.

I change and go to sleep as soon as I was tucked in. I kept thinking about today and what the princess' intentions were.


" Princess, what flower shall we decorate with?"

"What color would you like to wear? Do you like this dress? What about this one?"

"What kind of tea would you like, Your Highness? I suggest--" I scrunch up my face in annoyance.

" I'm here ~•," Adrienne says coming in and interrupting the lady taking my measurements and doing it herself.

"You're disgusting. You just wanted an excuse to touch her." Michaela says to Adrienne as she touched me all over while measuring me.

"I don't know how you can just stay still like that?" Michaela asks and I shrug

" Oh hush, Mick. You love me." Adrienne says happily

"Hmmph right." Michaela sits on my fluffy bed and lays down.

" BABE! Get her away from me." I call for her as Adrienne shamelessly goes to grab a boob.

Michaela comes over and slaps Adrienne in the head and hands the lady back her stuff.

The lady leaves after 10 more minutes of taking notes and measurements and I finally lay down on the bed.

"Dismissed," I say and everyone other than the girls leave.

" I'm sorry we won't be there," Michaela says.

"It's okay. I can handle it I just didn't want to." I say as I play with Adrienne's hair unconsciously out of habit

"Is your princess going to be there?" Michaela asks and Adrienne groans

" Yeah, all the princesses will be."


Michaela checks her phone.

"Sorry guys, I have to go. Dad is calling me." she leaves and Adrienne immediately kisses me.

"You turn into a different person, you know that?" I say as I kiss her backs and push her down onto the bed.

"Mmm you do too." she bites my lip


I look beside me and Adrienne is fast asleep. I get up and take a quick shower before going outside to the madness that was party-planning.

I dealt with all the decorations and after that I answered back to letters and then I spent 3 whole hours with just dresses.

In the end it was all perfect but I was exhausted so I went back to my room.

Adrienne approaches me and goes to kiss me but I move and she instead kisses my cheek.

"You should leave. I'll be sleeping now." I say. She grunts.

"Yes, Your Highness." she leaves and I jump on the bed and just sleep.


I work up the next day and got ready for the party. I wore a beautiful white dress.

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