Day 4: The Celebratory Ball

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Anastasia's POV ~

I wake up and groan.

"Mary!" I call dryly

"You're awake, Your Highness" She says and hands me a cup of water and a pill.

"Your Highness." She says as I swallow the pill


"Her Majesty is outside."

"Mother? Why?" I say getting up quickly and putting a robe over myself

"Let her in."

My mother in all her glory walks in but stands close to the door.

"I heard about your little encounter with Her Highness, Princess Dominique." She says coldly

Last night was a blur for me but I just nod

"Mmm-hmm, What of it?" she looks at me for a moment and sighs

"Are you well now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Very well. Behave better next time." She says and leaves my room

What the hell happened last night?

I try to remember back but I only get a few images

A party, A ring, and A... very hot Princess.

Images of Dominique's body on mine yesterday fog my mind and I shake my head.

I call for Mary and she helps me get ready and I knock on Dominique's bedroom door.

Nobody answered until her maid came up next to me.

"Your Highness?"

"Where is Princess Dominique?"

"She's in a meeting with His Majesty."

"A meeting?"

"Yes, The Princess handles a lot of Queen responsibilities to train her."

"As the Future Queen?"


"Okay, Would you tell her to come see?"

"Yes, Your Highness,"

I walk back to my room and check the time.

The ball started at 1 and it was 9:45.

I took a shower and started getting ready.

I called Mary in and she started helping me get dressed.


They'll probably tell her soon, right?

The reason why I even got so drunk yesterday...

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