Just a kiss

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Anastasia's POV ~

I walk into the classroom and go up to Grace.

"Wow, long time no see." She laughs

"Sorry," I say and sit next to her

"What? You have a fight with your girlfriend?" She asks and I glare at her.

"Speaking of which." She says as she nods to Dominique who was talking to this girl in the hallway.

I roll my eyes and see the girl kisses her and Dominique pushes her away slightly before walking into the classroom.

She looks at me and smiles innocently.

What the actual hell?

She's talking to Dana and Michaela was talking to Adrienne in the corner since she looked heartbroken.

All of the royal classes go quickly since they mostly just repeat boring stuff over and over again.

We go to lunch and sit separately again with the barrier between us being Wyatt and his new friends along with some annoying ass princesses flirting with them.

Dominique gets up annoyed and leaves the cafeteria, I follow her with my eyes and see the girl from this morning seriously annoying the crap out of her.

She evades her as she goes in for a kiss and she looks like she's telling her something and pushing her away by her shoulder.

The girl points to Adrienne and Dominique looks confused before clearly getting pissed off and telling her to leave.

The girl only proceeds to yell at Dominique and keeps pushing her with her finger and getting in her face.

The rest of the students seemed to notice because Michaela stood up with some real f*cking speed and gets in the girl's face and Dominique went into the bathroom slamming the door behind her.

I stood up and walked over there.

"Just leave. A hookup. That's all you were. Did you really think you were going to do something? Please. She's the princess. You're what? The daughter of a baron. Who are you? Like seriously? Who the fuck are you?" Michaela says and in the end the girl just glares at her and takes a final look at the bathroom door before walking away.

Michaela looks at me and walks into the bathroom and I hear clattering and walk into the bathroom behind her.

"Shit." I say as I see the fire coming out of Dominique.

"Get away. Get." She says and Michaela looks at me for help.

"You need to calm down"

"Did she see it?" Dominique asks Michaela

"She's fine."

Dominique, who was more in control than before, locks herself in a stall and calms herself down.

She walks out of the stall and thankfully the bathroom wasn't as destroyed as the first time this happened.

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