Hell is just a sauna

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I could only focus on how soft she felt against my mouth, how addictively she invaded all my senses.

I kept my eyes half-open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time I came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of my imagination.

I could feel my head clearing up and truly thinking about what I was doing right now. I should stop but I couldn't.

I can't.

She parted her lips and I felt her washing over like a wave of warmth, curling her toes, unfurling all her senses as the taste of her nearly silenced all thoughts.

My whole body tingled, the feel of her frame leaning on mine as her arms wrapped around me felt nearly forbidden. I pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense By the time Anastasia became aware of my fingers, they had already slipped under her shirt, her skin smooth and radiating heat.

"D-Dominique..." she says in between kisses and starts to pull away.

"Hmm?" I say and kiss her cheek...

Then her jawline...

And start to kiss her neck sweetly...

"W-we shouldn't do this. We shouldn't do this at all." I freeze. I'm breathing heavily on her neck as I thoroughly process what we are doing.

I pull myself off of her and let her stand. I stay sitting down on the bathroom floor as she stands up and fixes her flustered face.

" Let's talk later." She says as she walks away indifferently.

"Oh fuck." I mumble to myself


Thankfully, that happened during lunch and I only had 3 classes before I could go home.

I go through them quickly and go home with Wyatt.

"Are you okay?" He asks me as he sits next to me on the plane and pats my head.

"What are you doing?" I say and he continues to awkwardly pat my head.

"You look sad."

"I'm not. I'm worried."

"What's worrying you?" I look up at him

"Nothing, don't worry." He nods

"Where is Adrienne btw? She never misses a chance for a quickie with you on the plane."

"Eww," I say

"What? It's true."

"Yes but you're my brother it's not natural for you to talk about my sex life like that." He laughs

" I don't know where she is. She's probably with Mick."

"They've been hanging out a lot recently." He says



We get home and Wyatt decides he's going to read by the grass of the training fields so he accompanied me to the training field and then left to be near a tree.

Julian and Lucio were here today which is quite rare since Julian usually practices early morning before going to the academy and at night after he finishes all of his duties as crown prince and it's mostly midnight by then.

"Are you sure you can train with your injury?" Julian asks

Oh, that's another thing. My arm completely healed after what happened today in the bathroom.

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