Day 2: The Hunt

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Dominique's POV ~

I woke up on time this time and take a long bath as I waited for Michaela.

She never came.

"Dammit. She's late." I sigh and call for Nette.

I put on a dress shirt and my pants. Nette helped me put on my corset over the shirt and tightened it.

"Did she bail?" Nette asks

"Don't judge her too much. She's going through some stuff."

"She's had her whole life to deal with her issues with her father. I don't get why she chose right now to be irresponsible." I look at her with my eyebrow raised.

"Sorry, My lady."

"It's okay, I appreciate your opinion and I think you're somewhat right. Not about her just that she won't always be responsible because this isn't her job so I shouldn't make her do this."

"She's your friend and she's your subordinate. She shouldn't have bailed."

"You're the reason I'm spoiled."

"Maybe," she said and walked away from me.

"That's all I can do, I'm sorry My lady."

"It's alright. I'll find a war peasant or slave to help. Thank you, Nette." I say and I grab my swords and my armor.

I walk outside the castle and go near the stables and there were slaves and peasants everywhere. You could even see the farmers that were bringing food to the castle.

Slaves were rare or even nonexistent in Rodask mainly because we weren't a farm kingdom. We prouded upon our military success and got crops from our allies. Vestudan, however, allied with Lecristan, which is part of the northern empire, and they exchanged crops that grew in their different weathers so Vestudan used a lot of slaves to get more crops in order to not lose that alliance. especially now.

I see a big muscular guy and call him over.

"Help me with this," I say gesturing to my armor

"Of course, my lady." he washes his hands and starts putting on my shoulder blades.

"Are you participating in the hunt, my lady?"


He smiles at me and hands me my swords which I had put down.

"are you a stable boy?"

"Yes. I work for Lord Quentin," he says

"He's a nice guy," I say sarcastically

"Is he?"

"Not really," I say and chuckle along with him.

He had a scar across his right eye and looked filthy but his eyes were a dark green and although his hair was unwashed you could tell how golden it was. He was around 6'0 foot and fit but not big. It was obvious he was strong though, he was launching hay not a minute ago. He had a British accent that reminded me of Anastasia a lot.


I walk away back to the huge balcony where everyone was and had to stand there for a while as King Lozano and all the kings spoke through a  5-minute speech for each of the 6 of them.

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