Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Just wanted to say, if you guys are dealing with anything and want to vent to someone or you just want someone to talk to to past time, my PMs are always open 😌👐 I may log out of this account a lot, but you can send me like a 3 paged essay of your problems and pent-up feelings and I will 100% read it when I can and respond asap 😤❤✨


A war was brewing.

When Jungkook arrived at his kingdom he expected angry citizens, an angry mob maybe as a worst-case scenario, but he definitely didn't expect a war. He received word of the possible war only two days after his arrival and no matter his attempts to stop it before it could progress to an active war, the entire country was about to wreak havoc on the country; he definitely didn't want to drag the throne-holder for Hanseok and Heechul and Momo into a fight they probably weren't aware of. He tried to figure out what his brother had done, but his brother stayed mum and the king he was about to fight against refused to say what had happened. He just knew that his brother had done something to greatly offend the king.

It annoyed Jungkook greatly, it was as if he was stuck between children. And how could he "fix" his kingdom if his kingdom was about to fight another kingdom without knowing what the fight was about?

He couldn't help but feel bad because of how long his trip was taking away from Taehyung and their kids. It has only been three months which they planned for, but he knew if unrest kept on, he'd be there far longer. Jungkook hasn't told Taehyung about the war that was crawling onto their lands as he was still trying to talk some sense into the king, even offering money for him to sign a peace treaty. But the king was childishly refusing, stating Junghyun not only offended him and his pride but also his wife and their children.


Jungkook sighed as he waited in the meeting room for the king and the queen to return for yet another fast-paced meeting. Jungkook wasn't going to stop trying to get the king to comply. He couldn't imagine his brother doing something stupid enough to start a war.

Not only would the war possibly hurt his kingdom terribly, but this would make the second war his kingdom went to while he was on the throne. There's a possibility his reputation could be ruined even if he planned to stop ruling as soon as things were back to normal.

Jungkook cursed quietly as he stood up and began pacing the room. The whole situation was unbelievable. Neither sides were trying to comply and explain what happened nor were they willing to talk during the meeting. Junghyun had left while Jungkook was too busy trying to reverse the damage that he caused and no one knew where he went. So here he was picking up all the pieces and trying to stop a devasting war over something seemingly childish.

He couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Sire, I just received word that the king is no longer interested in talking," one of his messengers said, "the advisors believe a declaration of war is to be sent soon."

Jungkook cursed again, much louder this time and causing the poor messenger to flinch. He wanted to bang his fists on the table and throw a royal tantrum but he kept his cool with his rapidly dwindling control. His people weren't willing to put effort into the fight, they made it quite clear when they began a two-day protest yelling "KING'S WAR NO OURS".

He sat down as a way to keep himself grounded and prevent a literal explosion from anger.

Jungkook rested his head in his hand and pinched the bridge of his knows as he frowned. This was going to age him much more than he ever imagined. The amount of stress on his shoulders was heavier than any weight he's ever lifted and he worried that by the time he made it back to his actual family, he'd be walking on bones that aged far more than his years and willing to give out at any time.

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