Chapter Twenty-Five

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When Jungkook awoke the next day, he woke up to unpleasant news. His maids had waited to until he was seated at the table with his father, mother, and their special guest to tell him that there had been a disturbance at the fields involving his boyfriend and his boyfriend's son. Hey had purposely waited until then to tell him knowing that it would've only made their king angrier if they had told them when he just woke up.

"They said what?" Jungkook said through clenched teeth, glaring down at his two maids.

The two women glanced at each other as if trying to figure out who should talk next. There was a long pause as both of them waited for one another to talk before they both opened their mouths to explain again only to stop in unison. The girl with red hair held her hand up to stop the ravenette before continuing.

"They said your father sent them after Taehyung," she explained, "their intentions were to scare him away or something, but that didn't work. They're trying to leave now, but they're currently in a holding cell, authorities are waiting for your say in this."

Jungkook's blood was boiling. He couldn't believe his father had stooped that low. The man he used to know as his father and the man now was completely different — his father was adamant on him marrying some princess from a different country that he was willing to completely disregard the safety and wellbeing of another human being. And that just wasn't sitting well with Jungkook. He's seen his father imprison and kick people out of the kingdom for similar acts and if that meant that Jungkook had to do that same to his father then so be it.

"Where are Taehyung and Hanseok?" Jungkook asked.

"They ended up okay and safely made it home, the attackers were actually the ones who were attacked, sire," the ravenette spoke up, "Taehyung supposedly kicked him in a few places."

"Good," Jungkook simply said as he stood up a bit straighter, happy knowing that Taehyung or Hanseok weren't hurt.

"I want one of you to go and get Taehyung, tell him I'm the one who sent after him," the king ordered before turning to walk towards the dining room where be was previously eating breakfast, "now if you'll me, I have to talk to my father."


Jungkook sat down at the table across from Alika. He sat at the head of the table because he was the king and his father sat at the other end as they held the highest authority. His mother sat on his right and Alika sat across from her on his left. If Taehyung were here, Jungkook would've traded his place with his mother and sat beside Taehyung as the younger man wouldn't have been comfortable with the proper sitting arrangements.

Jungkook glared at his father and his father stared nonchalantly at him as he ate his breakfast. The two women present glanced between them, noticing the growing tension but chose not to say anything.

"Your piece of shit," Jungkook finally said, "and because of that, I offer you two options."


"Option A: you leave this kingdom, Mom can stay or she can leave too, I don't care or Option B: I give the crown to my brother."

His mother gasped and covered her mouth with her palm. She stared at her husband with wide eyes. "What did you do?!"

"I did what had to be done," the old man snapped before turning his attention back his youngest son, "you're overreacting, Jungkook."

"I'm overreacting?!" Jungkook laughed, "you put my boyfriend and his seven-year-old son in danger just because I don't want to marry someone of your choosing. This is a child we're talking about, Father."

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