Chapter Twenty-One

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Idk if Oseiwan has any true meaning, I went to a kingdom name generator on Google and I found that and I liked it.


She was absolutely beautiful.

"Princess Alika of the Oseiwan Kingdom, daughter of King Jafari and Queen Amara," the gorgeous woman greeted in perfect Korean, her accent only made it sound funny. Her voice was smooth and velvety and she had a small smile playing on her glistening lips as she brought herself back up from her bow.

She had deep, dark brown eyes that shown beautifully and long eyelashes that were only curled with mascara. Her curly black hair was pulled into a tight but attractive bun and no visible stray hairs stood out. She wore a cream coloured dress that complimented her dark skin tone very well.

"King Jungkook," Jungkook responded with a bow before putting his hand out in front of Taehyung, "and my—"

His mother loudly cleared her throat and Jungkook glanced at her to see her shaking her head. Taehyung saw it as well and shifted uncomfortably as the woman standing before them eyed him up and down. He wondered if she saw Jungkook's speech and if she suspected it was about him.

"This is Taehyung — Kim Taehyung. My boyfriend," he looked at his mother as he said the last word. His expression dared her to say anything else and they held each other's gaze. The tension in the room only grew thicker as his father limped in with a cane, scoffing when he saw Jungkook standing at the opposite side of the room. The middle-aged man's eyes landed on Taehyung who adverted his gaze quickly and stared at anything besides the people in front of him. He felt out of place and wanted nothing but to go home and be with his own family and the princess before him only made his insecurities worsen.

"Boyfriend?" The princess asked, looking back at the table before at Jungkook. The tension only increased.

"Have a seat," his father said.

Jungkook placed a hand on Taehyung's back and gently pushed him to start walking. There were two open seats beside his mother so Jungkook would be sitting beside her and across from the princess and Taehyung would be beside Jungkook and across from Jungkook's brother's wide. She too was absolutely gorgeous with long dyed blonde hair and soft, delicate features. She glanced at Taehyung before looking down at her plate and then at her husband.

"How long will you be visiting?" Jungkook asked Alika as the servants walked around, placing food on their plates. Taehyung was the only one who thanked them, earning smiles from the men and a very quiet "your welcome" from a young maid who handed him napkins.

"My father requested I stay for about a week or two to get a feel of the kingdom and maybe even meet neighbouring kingdoms," Alika answered.

"My brother will be more than happy to show you around, I'm sure," the king said with a fake smile as he looked at his brother. His brother's face hardened into a glare but Jungkook ignored it. "And he will gladly take you to visit other kingdoms, he's a people-person."

"Junghyun as other things to tend to," Jungkook's father interjected sharply, "Princess Alika came to meet you, not your brother."

"She came to see the kingdom," Jungkook lightly argued, "and the kingdom she shall see — but unfortunately, I'm busy this entire week."

Taehyung noticed the gorgeous girl glancing between him and Jungkook. It made him uncomfortable as her eyes stopped on him, looking him up and down.

"With what?" His father asked.

"Nothing you should be concerned with," Jungkook answered. "Anyway, I invited you all to this dinner — with the exception of our special visitor — to properly introduce you to Taehyung. My mother knows him, she's the one who helped our relationship become a thing. Taehyung this is my older brother Junghyun, his wife Yerim, and my father — everyone along with Alika, this is Taehyung."

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