Chapter One

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Kim Taehyung wasn't always depressed. He was once a happy kid, glad to be alive. He was the youngest of two kids, born in a small, impoverished village. His house, a small cottage, was near a large lake river which was what made his family money. His father would fish and sale what he caught in the village and would make a weekly trip to the coast which was a day or more away from their village. Of course, if he just sold things in the village then he wouldn't make much money since the villagers have little to no money. The coast was far richer than Taehyung's tiny village, it was beautiful and when Taehyung first went there he was shocked by the size of the houses, not cottages, houses! His father knew a nice lady who let him stay at her house every time they visited and she'd feed them and make enough for his father to carry back to Taehyung's mother.

Taehyung never felt bad about being poor. He never saw a future to feel bad for the present. His past was, for all he could remember, was full of the hardships of being poor. Even after being exposed to the upper class, he never really felt bad for himself or his family or the other villagers. It was fate after all. He could have been born in a wealthy family but instead, he was born to a poor family and he never hated a second of it. He never envied anybody for having what he didn't, he was happy he had a family that loved him.

When Taehyung turned ten, his parents allowed him to go out into town and sale fish and livestock alone. His brother went farther out because he was older but Taehyung was content with staying in the village. He loved going into town because the villagers always told him that he brightened their day with just his gorgeous smile. Taehyung was a rather gorgeous kid but his looks never attracted negative attention and his parents were grateful for that.

He did his daily job for four more years until it stopped in an abrupt way.

Taehyung had just turned fourteen and he was in town doing what he usually did. He had been talking to a buyer when suddenly trumpets sounded off nearby. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gasped. Others ran across the dirt road the sides as men marched down the road. Two men on horses followed behind and a man on a gorgeous white horse.

Taehyung was confused. This has never happened before so he just stood there dumbly until someone tugged his hand and told him to bow. The man that gave his hand a tug explained to him that the man riding the white horse was the new king and that he was searching for someone to marry. The man then told his confusion as to why he was searching for an impoverished spouse.

"Continue what you were doing," the king said and everyone immediately obeyed. Taehyung stiffly walked back to his stan, looking for the man that was going to buy fish. He had been looking around when suddenly a shadow hovered over him. Alarmed, Taehyung looked up and gasped when his eyes met with a pair of cold, dark ones.

"Aren't you gorgeous," the king said, grabbing the boy's chin and forcing him to look him right in the eye, "how old are you?"

Panic surged through him and he did nothing but stared with wide eyes. He's heard stories of his kingdom and how they mistreated people. The kingdom has been in many wars so he heard because of their actions.

"Speak!" He raised his voice causing the young boy to recoil back. The king kept a firm grip on his face so Taehyung could back away too far.

"F-Fourteen," he managed to say. He looked around desperately wanting someone to help him but villagers either watched in worry and fear or went about their business.

"Perfect," the king said as he finally let go of his face. He looked at his men and nodded at the boy, "take him."

Taehyung's eyes widened in panic and he instinctively began to back away. The men seemed unsure, glancing at each other before a taller and buffer man jumped off his horse and walked towards the king.

"You must be dumb," he said causing people to grasp. This man was probably high in ranking to be talking to the king in such a way, "our kingdom will be ridiculed knowing we welcomed a rat into our castle, to be part of royalty. Think this through, sire."

The king scoffed and pushed the man's hand away, "i want that boy at my castle and to be married to me by the end of this week. This is my decision, my kingdom and you will be sent away if you dare question me again."

The man seemed reluctant but he finally sighed and said, "as you wish, sire."

Taehyung turned and ran, it was the most reasonable option. Fate was damning him to hell if this is what it chose for him. He could hear the men running after him but he chose to push harder. Of course, he didn't get too far as those men were far larger and faster than he was. The moment he was caught was the moment his happiness took an abrupt stop and his life took a turn down south.


Fourteen year old Taehyung was married to the twenty-one year old King Dongwook that same week. When he first arrived he was forced to stay in a servants room as the king refused to allow someone to sleep in the same room as him. He hadn't left that floor for the days he stayed there until the maids came down to fetch him to prepare him for the wedding.

After he was married, much to his surprise, Taehyung was forced to go back to his room. He was scared, he didn't know what was happening. His heart was slamming against his chest, threatening to burst and he found himself going into a panic attack. He had just been forced to marry a king who's father has an abusive past and if Taehyung was correct, Dongwook seemed to be just as evil as what he heard of his father.

Taehyung didn't have many nightmares when he was a child so its hard to say what his worst nightmare was. But that night after the marriage, Taehyung was sure that this was his worst nightmare. The only thing different was the fact that he wasn't asleep. The king had appeared in his room to consummate the marriage.

It wasn't consensual.

Taehyung had begged him not to, he pleaded, asking for the king to wait just a little longer. But of the course, the king only abided by his rules and never answered other people. That night was one of the most painful nights Taehyung has ever experienced. He'd never cried so hard. Not only was his virginity and dignity stripped away but a part of what made Kim Taehyung, Kim Taehyung had crumbled away.

The king, however, got what he wanted.

Taehyung found out he was pregnant a month later. The king had called down the midwife who took care of him for those nine months. She treated him like he was her son and Taehyung was grateful to have someone like her to help him through this. He was fourteen, forced to marry an abusive king who forced himself on Taehyung and now he has to carry around a baby inside of him because of what happened.

This was the beginning of Taehyung depression and due to that, he had two close calls to having a miscarriage. This, of course, didn't go unnoticed by the king. He thought his harsh words were going to force Taehyung out of his new mindset but that only caused the young boy to bury himself deeper.

Taehyung managed to make it through the pregnancy. He somehow had a healthy baby boy but he would have lost the baby if it weren't for the midwife that helped him. Despite him not wanting the baby at first, when Taehyung heard his baby's crying the day he entered the world he felt an overwhelming desire to comfort and hold the baby. And that's what he thought he was going to be able to do.

Sadly, he never heard or saw his baby after that. The maids took him away and left the midwife to help Taehyung with the aftermath of birth.

After that, Taehyung spiralled deep into depression. The king abused and user him. He wasn't allowed to leave the castle. He didn't know what his baby looked like and he wasn't allowed to see his parents. He didn't even know if his parents were okay, he hoped his brother was taking care of them.

He was stricken with self-pity and plagued with depression. There was no reason to want to live anymore, to love living. He always dreamed of marrying some he'd love and his parents would love but his dreams were shattered.

Fate damned Taehyung into hell and it seemed to his last destination as he was burning already. But was fate finished with him?


Word Count: 1563

This is kind of all over the place but a good introduction :)

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