Chapter Three

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Despite today being a gloomy day for the royal family, Taehyung was happy. He forgot what it felt like to have happiness spreading throughout his body but he was thankful for the feeling. Today, he'd finally be able to leave the palace walls and go to the funeral home just a few ways from the palace. Even though the funeral would be held no to far from the palace, Taehyung was happy to finally be taking a step outside after five dreadful years.

The maids had finished dressing him to where he looked royal rather than a servant and he had a few minutes to himself before he has to meet Dongwook in the throne room. His heart was slamming against his chest in excitement to finally be able to see his son. He didn't care if he didn't get to talk to the five year old, he just wanted to see him. Taehyung wasn't trying to test his luck, but he hoped to see someone he knew or meet someone at the procession and ask for help. There's really nothing they can do for Taehyung considering he's married to a king but knowing that someone knew what he was going through was enough for the young male. He was willing to confide into anyone outside the kingdom that was willing to listen.

"Taehyung, King Dongwook is ready," a maid said. Taehyung nodded and followed her to the throne room where Dongwook was talking to one of the guards when his eyes landed on the younger male.

"Excuse me, we need to speak alone," Dongwook said to the guard who nodded quickly. The maid placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder before rushing off, leaving the two alone.

The brunette watched his husband with wary eyes as the older male stalked up towards him with a hard expression. His breath hitched as Dongwook grabbed Taehyung's chin and forced him to look him in the eye.

"You won't talk to go around anyone, understood? You'll stay by me and you won't open your mouth unless spoken to."

Taehyung's face fell along with his mood at his husband's words. Taehyung didn't say anything and nodded. Dongwook smiled and leaned down to press his lips against Taehyung's. Taehyung didn't kiss back but the older male didn't care and just grabbed his arm and lead him towards the doors. Taehyung squinted as he was met with the bright sun that shown happily down on their kingdom. Kind of ironic.

There was a Mercedes-Benz waiting for them outside by the massive water fountain and the duo walked towards it. As soon as they were seated in the car, Taehyung looked at his husband and mustered up all his courage to ask,

"Will...i be able to see my baby?"

Dongwook glanced at him and scoffed, "he's not a baby."

"Whatever, will i be able to see him?"

The older male shrugged, "depends on what my mom says."

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Taehyung knew that Dongwook's mother nor Dongwook could stop him from interacting with his son because both needed to leave a good impression on the other royal families that were attending. Of course, he'd face the consequences when he returned home but Taehyung figured Dongwook couldn't hurt him any more than he already has.

They arrived at the funeral home only a few minutes later. It was a large, house-like place with only two cars in the parking lot. The first car was the limousine that held Dongwook's father and the second one was a Rolls Royce that belonged to Dongwook's mother.

The duo climbed out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the funeral home. The inside looked like a sophisticated church with velvety carpet and pews. The windows were gorgeous stained glass with family portraits since this funeral home belonged to the royal family. In the front laid then evil former king in a pure gold and white casket. Flowers were laid out all around the basket in the bundles. Behind the casket was a large family picture of Dongwook, his parents and his deceased brother.

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