Chapter Nine

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Taehyung's eyes slowly fluttered open before quickly closing due to the sunlight. He lied there for what felt like ages and he suddenly realized that 1) he's not lying on a cold, hard floor and 2) this bed didn't feel familiar.

He opened his eyes again, squinting so they could adjust to the light. Instead of being in his own dull room or Dongwook's huge bedroom, he was lying in a grand bedroom in a large bed with a pillow held close to his chest. Taehyung slowly pushed himself up, his bones aching and his legs asleep from sleeping for so long. He realized he was wearing white soft and comfortable garments much like something he'd receive from a hospital. The bruises on his arms were barely there thanks to the rubbing cream and tentative care he's received while he's been in his mini-coma.

There was a large window a few feet from the bed and in front of him was a lounge area. He moved his legs over the edge of the bed and rubbed his feet and thigh to get them to wake up and get the soreness out of them. There was a pair of white slippers which he slipped his feet in and stood up, balancing himself on the bed. As soon as Taehyung gained balance, he made his way towards the window. He gasped when he saw the view, immediately recognizing the scenery as Jungkook's kingdom.

As if on cue, the door opened and in walked a small woman wearing nurse clothes. Her eyes widened when she saw that no one was in bed and they slowly drifted to Taehyung standing near the window. She gasped with a flinch, placing a hand over her chest before smiling.

"Dear me, you startled me!" She said with a soft voice, "how are you feeling?"

"Lightheaded..." The brunette answered, leaning against the wall, "what happened?"

"I'm sure my king will inform you on everything as soon as you're ready," she responded as he walked towards him and gently took his arm in her hands. She guided him back to the bed where she gave him a quick check-up.

"You had many bruises and open wounds on you, sweetie, so I and some other nurses tended to your wounds with skin cream and used peroxide and rubbing alcohol to clean the cuts. They're disappearing now as you see," she gestured to his arm.

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