Chapter Thirty-Four

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Some of y'all bout to be real mad at me. But it must be done.


Jungkook started throwing away the letters he received from Yerim, but Taehyung would take them out of the trash and read them since Jungkook wouldn't. In the last letter Yerim sent which was two months after the letter she wrote requesting Jungkook return to the kingdom, she stated she and Junghyun had gotten a divorce and the day it was sent was the day they finalized it. Taehyung felt sorry for her when he found out their oldest son was to stay with Junghyun while she took the two younger ones — court's orders since he was now the heir. She wrote that she understood Jungkook's refusal to return and she hoped they along with their kingdom would understand why she what she did — and Taehyung understood completely.

Another month passed and no more letters came. Taehyung informed Jungkook that his brother and Yerim were no longer married, but the older man simply shrugged and said,

"Now imagine if I decided to go back, they'd try to break us apart."

Taehyung knew Jungkook was right, but he also knew if it came down to it, he would have to go back and do what he was basically born to do and that was lead. He wouldn't be mad or hurt if Jungkook decided to go back temporarily, but he himself wouldn't follow — he'd just stay in the kingdom they were living in now and continue doing what he was doing while waiting for Jungkook to return.

Taehyung, of course, didn't mention it to Jungkook as he knew the older man tended to get mad at the mention of his old kingdom and family. They were a sore spot for the former king and Taehyung refused to touch on it too much.

He sighed and hugged Hanseok closer to his chest as he watched Jungkook pull Hana over his head, making airplane noises. Hanseok was reading a book to him and kept accidentally hitting the back of his ankle against Taehyung's calf as he swung his legs back and forth. He averted his attention back to Hanseok, squinting to see the page he was on.

It was a calm day, both off from work with nothing to do. Taehyung had thought about going to the park but the weather didn't agree and as soon as he laid the option on the table, it began raining and it was gradually turning into a storm. Now it was almost nine; they were all seated in the living room: Jungkook was lying on the floor playing with four-month-old Hana while Taehyung relaxed in the recliner with Hanseok on his lap. Sighing, Taehyung raked his fingers through Hanseok's hair, chuckling a bit when the sleepy boy followed his hand with his head and almost dropped the book.

"Are you sleepy, Seok?" Taehyung asked, grabbing Jungkook's attention from their youngest. Jungkook had been giving Hana a lot of attention as of late, not that Taehyung was complaining; he liked watching his boyfriend act fatherly with their daughter, it was an attractive and precious sight. Of course, he hadn't forgotten about Hanseok either — despite the older boy getting rather jealous of all the attention the baby was receiving. They were both sure to split their time equally, but Hanseok just demanded more as he wasn't used to having to share time and attention. 

"Do you want me to take him to his room so he can nap?" Jungkook asked, sitting Hana on his stomach. "Are you still tired and sick?"

Taehyung shook his head and pulled Hanseok towards him so he was snuggled between his arms and chest. He hadn't moved from couch much thanks to Jungkook who had been fussing over him since early this morning when Taehyung suddenly came down with a sickness. He expected Taehyung to feel terrible the rest of the day and, at first, wouldn't allow Hanseok to go near him as to keep him from getting sick (if whatever Taehyung had was contagious) and to keep him from annoying Taehyung as well. But of course, Hanseok didn't like that idea plus, Taehyung didn't feel bad at all and he figured the intense stomach pain he experienced this morning wasn't a big deal or food poisoning. However, he did feel a bit tired and found himself dozing off every now and then only to receive a nudge from Hanseok's elbow. He just blamed the weather and the warm and calm atmosphere inside.

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