"Look at the time, it's almost up!"
Gon happily yelled while pointing at the clock that read 00:01 everyone sighed in relief that they wouldn't have to stay in the room any longer. They began to pack their personal belongings and throw away any trash. (Y/N) was hooking her metal hoops to her waist and then going near the door to put on her black flats. Killua walked towards her direction and put on the shoes he left as well. He looked at (Y/N) and questioned,
"I've been wanting to ask, where did you learn to fight like that?"(Y/N) turned to face Killua, their eyes meeting and she answered,
"My teacher"Killua nodded as the two heard the door click, they checked the time on their wrist watches. They had about 2 hours to make it to the bottom, Leorio was looking at his watch and obviously pointed out,
"Ah crap! We have to move and fast!"Everyone agreed and walked through the door. The path led them back to the stage they fought the criminals, it unintentionally sent a reminder to Leorio and (Y/N) about their previous failures. A new path was revealed and it started with ease but later on got difficult to peacefully walk in. The group would have to be jumping over large stones for one minute and then running away from a large Boulder following behind them. There was many obstacles on the way until they finally made it to a room. This room was filled with many weapons and presented two words. Gon read out loud for the group,
"This door says three people can pass through and immediately be led to the bottom. The other door says the whole group can go through this door but it'll take another day to complete"
"Well, it's kinda obvious who should go to the first door. It's Kurapika, Gon and I"Killua suddenly commented. Everyone looked at him with a look of betrayal. Killua looked at the faces his team gave him,
"What I'm right, (Y/N) and Leorio messed up costing us to waste time in the room."
"What!? Your willing to throw us under the bus just like that!?Leorio shouted towards Killua, while (Y/N) didn't say anything, the reality was that Killua was right. Leorio suddenly made his way towards the wall while (Y/N) was trying to think of a way so they can all make it. In what felt like a flash a sharp object came down from above, aiming at (Y/N), she was fast enough to barely dodge it. Her eyes widen and immediately lifted her injured foot, stomping on Leorio's shin to make him fall on a knee. (Y/N) moved away to create space. Her mind kept screaming to continue but her body didn't move.
As if a miracle, Gon ran into the middle and put his hands,
"Wait! I have an idea!"
Hisoka was standing, his eyes scanning the room for what felt like the hundredth time, (Y/N) was no where to be seen and time was running out. The smile on his face twisted into a mischievous grin, (Y/N) was strong there's no doubt she's alive but to him it would be beat for her not to pass. At least not yet.One last door opened revealing three figures, with their announcement,
"Here enters number 99, Killua. Number 405, Gon. Number 404 Kurapika"The three, covered in dirt, sighed in relief. Making comments about what they went through.
Hisoka's grin dropped when following behind them were two more figures,
"Lastly, number 403 Leorio and Number 406 (Y/N)"Leorio was holding onto (Y/N)'s arm as if to keep her from falling. He shook (Y/N) and said in between breaths,
"We... made... it..."Hisoka's eyes narrowed down to (Y/N)'s feet, specifically her right foot. It was bandaged tightly to give pressure. However his focus was interrupted with something he has never heard.
(Y/N)'s laughter that filled the room as she told Leorio,
"We made it!"Gon went up to the two and gave them a hug to congratulate them, and the whole group. Even if the other applicants gave them stares, they didn't care they were one step closer to become hunters.
All the applicants were lead outside as there was a short man with a Mohawk who introduced himself as the warden of the prison they went through. That fact was almost tossed away as he explained the next phase,
"Each of you will pick a paper from the box, each paper contains a number of another applicant, whoever you get you must hunt down. To pass onto the next phase you will need six pints, your own number is worth 3 points while the person you're hunting is also worth 3 points. Any other number is worth 1 point. To keep track on who gets who, this box will record your answer. We'll start from who came first to last"After he explained everything, it started. With Hisoka going to pick first. Everyone watched anxiously as he picked up a card. (Y/N) wanted to take a peek out of curiosity but he was sneaky about it. The rest of the applicants began to pick their paper while other removed their PIN number and hid it somewhere on them. After a while, (Y/N) watched her new friends go to pick their numbers. Just like that she was last to pick. She walked to the front and stuck her hand into the box. As expected there was only one paper left, who could it be? She hadn't been memorizing the numbers the cards were not at her favor. She pulled her hand away and took a look at who she got,
What were the odds? She hid the paper, not bothering to hide her pin, there was no rules to not defend yourself so why did it matter?
Soon, a ship came by to pick them up, they all boarded the ship as the lady on the ship tried giving a welcome. No one bothered to talk to her and just ignored her. (Y/N) looked around and saw Leorio and Kurapika chatting. She made her way towards. As she walked to them she heard Kurapika's assure Leorio,
"Don't worry you're not my target"Kurapika noticed (Y/N) and he gave her a smile while Leorio patted an empty spot between them,
"(Y/N) you can sit here"Leorio offered to (Y/N) in which she accepted. When she got comfortable Leorio asked,
"So who did you get?"
"Oh we've been wondering about that"Kurapika commented while joining in, (Y/N) gave them a simple answer,
"It's not anything you two, Gon, or Killua have to worry about"She smiled, then Leorio looked at her seriously,
"Hey (Y/N) with what happened at the tower... I'm sorry"
"You don't have to apologize, you were doing what you thought was right at that moment. Besides you, Kurapika, Killua, Gon, and I are going to pass together"
"(Y/N)'s right, we'll make it together"Kurapika wanted to help clear any doubts and worries Leorio had. Talking about Leorio, he seemed a little shocked at what he heard at first but hen he started to smile a bit. Like guilt was being lifted off his shoulders. To add on, Leorio tells them,
I think Gon is starting to rub on you guys"All three laughed at the comment as the ship neared the island, and the next phase was soon to begin.
I'm gonna try and keep this short but WOAH WOAH WOAH. I never expected to even pass 1k reads! I was going to delete this book when I got bored of writing but every comment vote and read keeps me motivated. I can't express how happy you all make me.The fact that I publish this chapter hours before my big test shows my bad time management ....

A Different World (HUNTER X HUNTER)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is currently studying for finals and it has been taking a big toll. While she focuses on her work, she doesn't realize what is bond to happen. Suddenly she wakes up but things are different, way different. _ I got bored and I got this idea. I...