Hisoka watched as (Y/N) was playing with a pair of metal hoops. She occasionally would throw them in the air and switch hands to catch them. They were still at the park, but it was still dark so no kids were around. Hisoka said that he decided to take a break from Heaven's Arena and enjoy a bit of today,
"Hisoka what level are you on?"(Y/N) turned around with the two hoops in her hands. For an odd reason or miracle, (Y/N) grew up learning fast, maybe too fast. Hisoka placed his finger on his chin, thinking for a moment then saying,
"143~"(Y/N) nodded and walked to Hisoka, sitting next to him. Hisoka smiled as he took out his cards and started shuffling them for a bit,
"Why is my name (Y/N)?"(Y/N) asked feeling it's best to ask now than later. It would make sense for a child to ask anyway. Hisoka's smile softened a bit but the tone stayed the same,
"Our mother gave you that name, she wrote saying she felt like that name was special for you~"Hisoka kept his gaze on the cards, it showed he had mixed feelings about their mom. (Y/N) placed a hand on his shoulder, he turned to look at her. He looked at the makeup he did for her, the most noticeable was the blue tear painted on the right side of her cheek, and the cover up of the birthmark on her forehead,
"Let's head back and I'll make (F/F)~"Hisoka says and with that, the two Morows stood up. Hisoka offered his hand and (Y/N) took it, using her free hand to hold the hoops. They walked together to the small apartment they could barely afford, Hisoka managed to pay each month with the money he earned in Heaven's Arena. He also used that money to buy food and clothes.
(Y/N) looked at her attire, it was a white dress with a blue stripe at the end, a blue cardigan, white tights, and black flats. She wore a lot of blues and those fashion choices were made by Hisoka, who always said she looked like a porcelain clown doll. She always told him,
"I could say the same for you"They entered the apartment building, walking up a flight of stairs. The neighbors were loud, mostly partying and today was one those days. As (Y/N) and Hisoka walked past the door they heard a loud,
"We'll be taking the big W and get our hunter license!"Followed with loud 'yeahs!' The duo made it to the door that read, 208, Hisoka let go of (Y/N)'s hand and dug into his front pocket, pulling out the keys. He unlocks the door and opens it, allowing (Y/N) to run inside. She ran to the small living room and placed her metal hoops on the coffee table. Hisoka walks to the kitchen and started to cook dinner for him and (Y/N).
(Y/N) took out her black notebook, opening to an open page. Sure she was lucky to be able to speak the same language, but writing and reading was where she struggled but Hisoka isn't the one teaching her, it was Illumi Zoldyck.
Hisoka never said how he met Illumi, but there's one thing (Y/N) knows, Hisoka has been taking assassin missions. That's probably how they met or built up a sort of acquaintance relationship.
(Y/N) found out by finding a folder under the couch cushion when her clown doll fell in between. (Y/N) internally panicked because like most of her other dolls, it was made out of porcelain. She quickly took off the cushion and she found the folder. At first, she has no idea what it said, so she copied every letter and space on two sheets of paper. Hisoka came home from a match, but (Y/N) already picked up everything.
Now, she was writing sentences in her notebook,
'The Criminal runs'
'Criminal stole money'
'Criminal is caught'She looks up to the black and white clown doll. That doll had the two pieces of paper in it, she managed to take off the head without breaking it and stuffing the papers inside. She barely translated enough to understand what the folder was for.
Hisoka came by with two plates and set them down on the table. (Y/N) closed her notebook and put it aside. She moved the plate towards her and the two began eating.
(Y/N) stared at her brother's features, he was slowly turning into the weird and mysterious person as expected. His hair was growing but he hasn't put it up. She wonders when he will maybe in a year or two? She turned her attention to the empty plate, when she discovered (F/F) existed in this world she felt a bit relived.
Illumi was holding the black notebook checking over the practice exercises (Y/N) wrote down. Neither of the two said a word to each other, which was normal. Both didn't share the weird personality of a certain magician,
"Do you like to draw?"Illumi suddenly asked and (Y/N) shook her head no,
"Do you use this notebook for anything else?"(Y/N) almost froze, but she told herself not to freak out He's probably just curious She again shook her head no. Illumi never changed his expression, he lacked a show of emotion but he canceled that out with his voice,
"This notebook, it's lacking a few pages"He showed (Y/N) the end of the notebook, it had paper scraps from the pages ripped off, Fuck (Y/N) cursed in her head,
"There's no room for mistakes, the sentences were bad"She lied, Illumi stared at her for a while. Then he took a pencil,
"It's best to look over those mistakes and improve on areas your weak at"With the side of the pencil, he lightly scribbled the page, revealing the overlapping letters. He brought the notebook closer to his eyes to be able to read it clearly. (Y/N) closed her eyes as her hands held the ends of her dress in anticipation. She felt like crying out of fear. Her knuckles going lighter the harder she gripped on her dress. This is it, I'm done! I shouldn't have looked, I should've left that damn folder alone, I should've-
"You shouldn't tackle big words. Your hand writing gets sloppier and it shows you were losing confidence in the end."(Y/N) opened her eyes, Illumi was pointing at the last sentence. She felt dumbfounded as he continued,
"Although I prefer to see the actual paper, do you have it?"(Y/N) with wide eyes barely nodded,
"Yeah, I-I have it"She hesitantly grabbed the porcelain doll and popped off it's head. She slipped her hand inside and got the two neatly folded papers. She handed them to Illumi who opened it and began reading,
"Practice to write lighter, you can break your pencil and dent the page behind it by pressing too hard"Illumi said, not taking his emotionless eyes off the paper. (Y/N) exhaled, relived that Illumi didn't get mad for her digging around these kind of things.
______________________________________I hope you like this chapter, I did a bit of experimenting

A Different World (HUNTER X HUNTER)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is currently studying for finals and it has been taking a big toll. While she focuses on her work, she doesn't realize what is bond to happen. Suddenly she wakes up but things are different, way different. _ I got bored and I got this idea. I...