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(Y/N) took a deep breath as she finally made it to the top of the menacing stairs. She placed her hands on her knees, trying to ease off the pain of all that running. Gon laughed while patting her back, congratulating her,
"You made it (Y/N)!"
"... barely..."

(Y/N) huffed out as she took her time to look around and see that the number of people decreased. There wasn't a big difference but it was enough to feel proud that she made it.

(Y/N) starred at Satotz, however she wasn't paying attention at all. She had an idea on what to expect next, the second part to the first phase. God, this is tiring. Anime logic doesn't work for me, I guess. (Y/N) thought to herself as she was straightened up her posture to the sound of yelling,
"This man's a fake! This is the real examiner!"

A distressed man yelled while holding up, a beaten person that looks similar to Satotz. Everyone but two were in disbelief and looked at Satotz for answers. People were discussing amongst themselves. (Y/N) Let out a sigh, tunning out the screams that were expected. She turned to the direction she last saw Hisoka, (Y/N) watched him take out a few cards and swing it at the two individuals.

The two men fell to the ground as it was now silent. The contestants looked at Hisoka and the two on the floor,
"What's the meaning of this!"

Someone in the crowd yelled. Everyone was confused as they looked at Satotz, who held a card with the same unfazed expression,
"Examiners for the Hunter Exam are carefully picked, it's quite obvious on who the faker is"

Hisoka said, implying that it should be easy for someone, like an examiner, to catch Hisoka's card. Those things are not easy to catch (Y/N) told herself from experience. A pain they were to grab mid air. (Y/N) looked at her hands to see the many cuts that littered her (S/K) fingers.
"I hope you all will keep up"

Was Satotz last words as he began his weird run into the big forest. (Y/N) made sure to stay behind Hisoka to avoid getting lost. He didn't seem to mind, he just kept his eyes foward. (Y/N) looked around and saw Gon not to far away, the two made eye contact. Gon gave his big toothy smile as (Y/N) just waved, both implying a 'see you later' to each other.

The moment (Y/N) took her eyes away from Gon, she took notice a the stares from certain men. They were definitely looking for trouble. Hisoka must've taken notice of their presence, they definitely weren't trying to hide their intentions. They're not gonna do anything bad, they won't get the chance (Y/N) told herself, then realizing Hisoka was slowly changing direction. He was driving them to a less active part to the forest.

Everyone stopped when they made it to some sort of clearing. Th4 men formed a circle around the two Morows. Hisoka kept his grin,
"My, my..."

He trailed off in a low tone as the men began taking out all sorts of weapons,
"Hisoka, we cannot let you move on. You're a danger and a nightmare. We also cannot spare any witnesses"

The assuming leader of the group spoke up as his eyes glared at Hisoka's sharp golden eyes. While the two were eyeing each other, one of the men took their large battle axe and harshly tripped (Y/N). Just wanting to end this already,

Was the only thing (Y/N) said as her body hit the ground. Her hand was going to grab a metal hoop, but Hisoka moved closer to (Y/N) with a card in his hand. Nothing seemed to happen but that is to the naked eye. Hisoka used his card and swung it in a circle at in unbelievable speed.

The men fell to the ground as (Y/N) slowly stood up, her (E/C) colored eyes widening slightly, Hisoka's fighting abilities were always shocking to her. (Y/N) watched her brother slowly walk up to a man who was trying to crawl away. It was pathetic to watch the man hold onto false hope in the moment.

Hisoka finished him off, a bit of bright red blood splattering onto the grass. Then there was the sound of footsteps, the two siblings look up to see Kurapika and Leorio with frightened faces. (Y/N) mentally hit herself as she forgot they would come. She watched with Hisoka as Kurapika and Leorio began to plan but (Y/N) recalled the plan wouldn't work. Hisoka walked towards the two with the same card held on his hand. The air was tense as everyone but Hisoka stood still,
"Now Leorio!"

Kurapika yelled as the two bolted into opposite directions, the two figures were dissapering into the fog as Hisoka lowered his hand that held the card. He turned his head to peak at (Y/N), he knew she wouldn't chase after them so overall there was no point. Then the familiar footsteps could be heard,
"I'm sorry Kurapika, but I'm not running away"

Leorio appeared as he pulled out a small but sharp knife. (Y/N) began to wonder if he saw her as a threat like Hisoka, no... maybe?... is it punishment from association? She questioned as her head hung low. Trusting people was hard, especially when you have to trust the antagonists. Leorio took the first move by running to Hisoka with the knife in his hand. Before he could take a swing, Hisoka moved out of the way and punched Leorio's right cheek. Leorio was sent almost flying to a tree, he fell to the ground, this is different, (Y/N) told herself as her hands loosened at the hoops, Leorio must have taken a bit of damage but not a lot. The sound of running string was heard as (Y/N) turned around and saw the end of a fishing rod went through Hisoka, but it was weird, Hisoka seemed to disappear into the air,

That voice belonged to Gon as he stood there, he had a sort of a worried and upset expression but not meant for her. It was meant for the Magician that appeared behind Gon,

Before (Y/N) could finish what she wanted to say, Hisoka somewhat slapped the back of Gon's head, but Gon was more aware than a normal person and tried to land a punch on Hisoka, who easily dodged. (Y/N) heard a low groan and turned around to see Leorio stand and realize Gon was here, he made another attempt to pounce Hisoka but this time, was stopped by (Y/N). She threw a hoop at his feet, causing him to fumble, she then threw a hoop that she made sure wasn't sharpat his head to knock him down, both hoops hitting the tree and bouncing back to (Y/N)'s hands. He fell backwards to the ground, somewhere in (Y/N)'s heart it stung to force herself to hurt a friend,
"I'm... sorry..."

She mumbled to herself, not aware of Kurapika, who stood there with his two wooden swords in his hands. He put the swords away and tried reading (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) and Killua were the most mysterious out of the group, too complicated to understand the emotions they hardly expressed. What was going on in their small 12 year old heads? (Y/N) was questioning herself , the event's of the future played in her head like remembering a bad memory,
"You passed~"

(Y/N) turned around to see Hisoka talk to Gon, Hisoka made his way to Leorio and placed Leorio over his shoulder,
"What about Leorio?"

Gon questioned as his eyes were glued on the unconscious Leorio, Hisoka smiled wider and said,
"He passed as well~ I'm just giving him a shortcut..."

Gon cautiously approached (Y/N), once he was close enough he grabbed her hand and led her away from the clearing. Kurapika kept close to Gon as they made their way to the end. They were jogging while avoiding any monsters or weird animals,
"(Y/N), please don't take offense but, why did you hit Leorio?"

Of course, Gon had every right to question her,
"I didn't because... because he would have instigated Hisoka. My brother would kill him with the excitement of killing."

(Y/N) explained and felt nervous to see Gon's reaction. Right now, she was faced with the back of his head, but slowly he turned around with a warm smile on his face,
"I'm happy to know you care for us"

He said happily, knowing he can trust (Y/N). But for her, she didn't know why she said, was it because their happy energy... made her happy?
"Hey, you guys made it"

Killua said to the arriving trio. Gon looked around and smiled wide to see that Leorio also made it. He was resting with his back facing the tree, but he couldn't recall on what happened and how he passed the second part of the first phase.

Oh to be reader and escape real life 😌

I managed to move from my glitchy android to my new tablet, so I should in theory, write chapters faster

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