♡ No matter what ♧ (side chapter)

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The ship was transporting the applicants to the third phase. After dinner, most people have gone to bed. Hisoka isn't like most people, he was nowhere near a normal person. He sat down on the floor, spending time by stacking his playing cards. The deck was organized with the Joker and Queen of hearts cards to go on top. The cards were old, coming from his town, the design of the card only allowing it to face one way. Eventually, they redesigned the cards to prevent the cards from looking upside down, but Hisoka still kept the old pair with him at all times. He never used them to attack like his normal ones, he just played with them for a nostalgic feeling.

Hisoka wondered where his younger sister was, she seemed to enjoy herself by making new friends. So much emotions she has expressed, arguably she even got along faster with that group than the Phantom Troupe. He picked up the two cards to go on top, he flipped them and as expected, it was the Queen of hearts and the joker card. Hisoka's long nail grazed over the painted face of the Queen.

"I... can't..."

Hisoka looked down at (Y/N), little seven year old (Y/N). In front of them was a thief who's been beaten to the floor, he was very much alive. However, his legs were broken, twisted in a cartoonish way,
"It's simple (Y/N)~ you just have to-"
"That's not the problem!!"

(Y/N) interrupted Hisoka. Her eyes began to water as the awkward silence was filled with the man's whimpering and whispering. (Y/N) continued,
"I can't kill him! It's not right!"

This was new, Hisoka has never seen her this upset. He crouched down to the short girl's level, (Y/N) flinched at the creepy smile that stayed on Hisoka's face. Hisoka softly held (Y/N)'s small hands,
"What makes it wrong?~ we're simply protecting ourselves."

He told her as he felt her hands shake. Hisoka expected (Y/N) to naturally get used to this, but something was holding her back. But this was the most he's seen from her. Hisoka tried a different tactic,
"What are you feeling (Y/N)?"

He didn't smile while saying it, his eyes furrowed a bit. This signaled (Y/N), he was asking seriously. (Y/N) gulped, trying to give an answer, while mentally telling herself to calm down. Her hands clenched tightly on Hisoka's,
" I hate it..."

She whispered, Hisoka leaned in close,
"What was that?~"

Hisoka asked. While (Y/N) answered, loud enough for him to hear,
"I said I hate it. Killing someone is wrong, you're stealing a life, you're stealing a son from a mother and father, you're stealing someone's lover, and maybe you're stealing someone's father."

She ranted, avoiding to yell at Hisoka. It was again quiet, (Y/N) stared into Hisoka's eyes. Waiting for anything. Yet she was still caught off guard when he wrapped his arms around her. Hisoka embraced her in a hug,
"It's alright~"

He spoke softly. One thing about Hisoka's voice, it's relaxing enough to fall asleep to. Unfortunate for the crying man, Hisoka simply threw a playing card to the man's neck. Choking and gurgling sounds were heard but ignored.
After coming back home, (Y/N) almost immediately went to bed, but not before showering. Hisoka sat at the couch, shuffling his cards in silence,
"Is there a reason why you called me from my work?"

Hisoka looked at the direction where the voice came from. There stood Illumi Zoldyck, his black hair reaching his shoulders, wearing a sweater like always,
"I simply have a favor to ask you~"
"And that favor is...?"

Illumi questioned, slightly dragging the 's' at the end. Hisoka then questioned,
"You mentioned... that you had a new nen technique a few days ago. I was wondering if you could use it~"

Illumi crossed his arms while approaching the magician,
"I haven't perfected it, but I'll give it a shot. You want me to use it on (Y/N)-Chan I assume..."

Hisoka nodded happily and requested,
"The conditions are to get rid of those sad feelings when taking ones life"

Illumi listened and mused in,
"Alright, but she'll wake up in great pain."
"I didn't know you had a concern for (Y/N)"

Hisoka mused, to which Illumi did not utter a word. Illumi took a small needle from a wooden box he brought with, he knew where she slept it was the only bedroom in the apartment. He entered slowly, making his way to the small sleeping figure. Illumi stared down at (Y/N), slowly moving her face up. He had to put the needle on her frontal lobe to control actions. With the small nen infused needle, he aimed it between her eyes. His hand slowly moved the needle into her head until it was no longer seen. Hisoka stood by the door step, watching Illumi with fascination to his nen.

Hisoka placed the the Queen of hearts upside down and the Joker up. He took a moment to look at his tower a cards. Dissatisfied, he took one card from the bottom, making the rest fall. Oh how much time was wasted, he flipped over the card that fell on top. He flipped it, revealing the Joker towering the Queen

No matter what, (Y/N) will learn to kill.

No matter what, (Y/N) will survive this cruel and dangerous world.

No matter what, Hisoka will protect (Y/N).

Ew a short chapter. I had a better ending to it but my brain said bye a long time ago.

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