(Y/N) could barely hear anything, it was so muffled that she couldn't recognize anything. She also couldn't see anything the only thing she feels is the pain in her head. Did I... die? That can't be, why does my head hurt so bad? She thought to herself as the pain kept increasing.
After a while the pain felt like a migraine and (Y/N) couldn't handle it. She wanted to scream and make it stop. She wanted to reach out and hug someone and make the pain stop. She wanted Logan to hug.
(Y/N) opened her small (E/C) eyes that were full of hot tears that streamed down her (S/T) cheeks. Her small chubby hands were up in the air. She couldn't stop crying as she looked at her surroundings. The ceiling was red and white stripes but her surroundings were hard to tell. She couldn't see much, she was on a basket wrapped in a soft blanket.
Baby? I'm a... baby? She unexpectedly saw a pair of light skinned hands reach into the basket and she felt herself be picked up. As (Y/N) was lifted up she saw red hair Wait, Hisoka? As in HUNTER X HUNTER Hisoka Morow? Hold on what? (Y/N) felt the warm pale hands wrap around her small body. This was comforting, and felt safe. (Y/N) didn't even notice that she had stopped crying but she did feel the headache go away.
"See, she calmed down. You shouldn't yell it'll only make it more stressful"There was no doubt it was Hisoka, his skin, hair, and the voice made it clear on who he was. (Y/N) looked up and tried getting a good look on his face. She saw him look down to her and he lifted her up and they know faced each other. Hisoka had a young slightly round face as his yellow eyes were as bright as ever. His red hair was down rather than up, and his muscular appearance was replaced with a young thinner body. He smiled wide as he connected their noses together,
"Isn't that right... (Y/N)-chan"Did he name me my real name? She thought to herself.
"Tch, you can't just sweet talk to a baby forever, you gotta teach her to be tough or else how will she live?"Hisoka balanced (Y/N) on his right arm, she was left to lean on his chest the two of them facing the large bald man,
"(Y/N)-chan doesn't need to be tough to live, because I'll be there for her. Isn't that what a big brother is supposed to do?"
"Whatever, you're barely fifteen do you really think you can protect someone so weak when you couldn't even take care of yourself a few days ago"The bald man countered Hisoka's claim by using his age against him. The two of them were glaring at each other as baby (Y/N) was just glancing at the two of them. Suddenly the presence of someone else joined the room,
"Alright, I heard Borizoi yelling, who started it"Everyone turned their attention to the young lady who stood at the entrance to the tent, her hands resting at her hips,
"The baby was making a fuss, I'm just telling Hisoka to learn to control her"
"The baby has a name, it's best to use it"Hisoka tells Borizoi, hugging (Y/N) closer. The tension was growing again Oh crap! I really am causing trouble, what if me existing affects the whole story! (Y/N) thought as tears began building up again Damn, why is it so easy to cry! She looks at the grass ground,
"Can you two stop bickering, seriously it's like your the babies here"Both Hisoka and Borizoi mumbled a 'sorry' to the lady,
"Anyways Moritonio is asking for you, Borizoi"The bald man stood up and walked away outside from the tent. The young lady walked towards Hisoka and (Y/N),
"Do you think... you'll teach her nen?"
"I might just teach her the basics, maybe when she's five or... what do you think Abaki?"Hisoka asks, he himself isn't sure when he should start or even teach (Y/N),
"Basics at five for now, who knows how long it'll take her to master it. Can I hold her?"Hisoka hesitantly nodded as he placed (Y/N) in Abaki's hands. Abaki danced a bit with (Y/N). She stopped and took a good look at the small baby,
"Do you think this birthmark is a little weird"She stopped at the mirror, Hisoka looking at the reflection of all three. While Abaki was lightly tapping (Y/N)'s forehead but also stared into the mirror. (Y/N) looked into the mirror, almost everything was the same except for the birthmark on the center of her forehead. A perfect circle, the size of a dime,
"No, it just makes her more unique. Maybe even her own beauty secret you know"The two smile at the idea but Abaki stops smiling and points out,
"Did you know that a birthmark is supposed to show your cause of death"There was a silence in the room, Hisoka stared at the reflection of (Y/N) it was hard to read what he was feeling but it wasn't good. (Y/N) heard a familiar loud click and bang. She began to cry again at the noise and realization. The two teens turned to (Y/N) trying to calm her down.
I'm supposed to be dead! I was shot dead! She wouldn't stop crying no matter what. Everything was gone, Logan, (F/N), Edgar, and her family. Abaki handed (Y/N) to Hisoka as she went to a suitcase she frowned seeing the lack of supplies,
"I'm heading to the store later, I'll make sure to pick some formula and diapers"Abaki began preparing a bottle, placing it in a pot with water. She set the pot on the table as she started a small fire on an open patch on the ground, using broken wood equipment as fuel,
"Bring (Y/N)-chan over here to keep her warm"Hisoka sat down near the fire, sitting (Y/N) down on his lap and keeping his arms around her to make sure she doesn't fall. Abaki held the pot over the flame with her hands. Hisoka and Abaki were silent as they heard the hiccups and sobs from (Y/N).
Abaki put down the pot as she grabbed the bottle from the water, "Shit the pot burns"
Hisoka playfully places his hand on (Y/N)'s small ears, not that he expects her to even remember.
Okay so I plan to post a bunch of chapters and then make a proper schedule. I'll most likely slow down A LOT when school starts which is in like a week I think-

A Different World (HUNTER X HUNTER)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is currently studying for finals and it has been taking a big toll. While she focuses on her work, she doesn't realize what is bond to happen. Suddenly she wakes up but things are different, way different. _ I got bored and I got this idea. I...