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Focus (Y/N)...

(Y/N) thought to herself as she stared at her nearly filled notebook. It was bombarded with her messy handwriting that she could barely read. Her (S/T) hand moved some (H/C) hair out of get face as she turned her attention to her laptop screen.

Recently she has been falling a bit behind on school. This was probably because she decided to binge watch the anime "HUNTER X HUNTER". She had just started season 5. (Y/N) rubbed her forehead, cursing herself from that stupid decision. She stretched a bit on her cheap chair. Her desk set up wasn't the best but her roommate declared she needed the study room for her and her cruel friends. (Y/N) could hear them giggling through the thin walls.

(Y/N) stood up and walked out of her room, she made her way to the kitchen while rubbing her eyes in an attempt to take the tiredness away. She set her phone on the counter and proceeded to make herself a cup of coffee. She added her favorite flavoring to cancel out the bitterness of the black coffee.

She held the cup in her cold hands, taking a sip of it and sighing in satisfaction. (Y/N) looked around the living room and her smile dropped at the sight of the mess, popcorn was thrown on the floor, the dirty cups on the floor and coffee table, and ice cream on the carpet. (Y/N) was almost excited to move out and into a dorm with her best friend, (F/N). After finals (Y/N) and her boyfriend were gonna pack her things and help her move in with (F/N). (Y/N) just had to hold onto her patience a little longer.

Her attention was interrupted with a piano song playing. She put the cup down and picked up her phone. (Y/N) looked at the caller ID, "Logan" she got a warm smile from reading the name, she has been dating Logan for a year. (Y/N) swiped the green button and brought the phone to her right ear. She heard his sweet voice,
"(Y/N) hey, I just wanted to check on how your doing"
"I'm doing fine, just studying. Oh yeah that reminds me! How did you do today? I heard it was pretty difficult"

(Y/N) asked about Logan's exam. He was majoring in Landscape Architecture,
"You know me, I totally aced it! It was easy"

He spoke in confidence that (Y/N) only wished to feel. (Y/N) admired him for that. She heard a crash come from the study room, she mentally face palmed and heard Logan laugh and say,
"Was that Leah and her friends?"

(Y/N) responded in a bit of annoyance as Logan laughed a bit more. With her left hand, (Y/N) grabbed her mug as she walked to her room, she kept Logan on speaker. She entered her cool room and she paused. Did she leave her window open?
"(Y/N)? Is something wrong?"

She shook her head and responded,
"No I just left my window open, hold on I'm gonna close it"

She set her phone and mug on her desk. She heard a ring come from her phone,
"Ah Edgar texted me"

Logan said, as (Y/N) busied herself with closing the window she says,
"I haven't heard from Edgar in a while, is he doing okay? Since you know... what happened in October."
"Yeah he's been doing much better, he says he found better ways to cope with his thoughts."

Logan answered in a monotone voice, he was texting so it was safe to assume. (Y/N) was concern for Edgar, in October he was admitted to a hospital because he was found driving around her neighborhood with a gun. It didn't help when he took a drug test and found traces of LSD in his system. (Y/N) assumes he's been admitted out and is probably still continuing his major in Fine Arts.

She walked back to her desk,
"Well it's great to hear he's doing better"

(Y/N) mumbled as she was starting to feel more tired. She yawned a bit but turned on her laptop. She scrolled through the page her teacher assigned to her. Edgar was like a brother to (Y/N) and it pained her to see him go down the way he did.
"You want me to sneak into your dorm again? We can watch a movie"

Logan suggested, he knew how much the topic was tough for his girlfriend so he always wanted to do everything to comfort her,
"Yeah... I'll set up the projector while you get here"

She says with a smile while looking at the contact photo,
"I'll see you there, babs"

With that Logan hung up the phone, (Y/N) smiling and giggling at being called "babs". Logan didn't like using pet names like "baby". She turned off her laptop but something seemed off. (Y/N) stared at the black screen, her closet was open. Her (E/C) eyes widen at the tall hodded person behind her. They were holding something to her head. Before she can do anything, there was a click followed with a bang.

Pain... My head hurts.

Hello I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please let me know if I need to fix anything and I'm open to any criticism! :))

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