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(Y/N) slowly opened her (E/C) eyes, the left side of her head was resting on something, wait I'm on an airship, I fell asleep,
"Ah good morning (Y/N)!~"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the older Morow. She looked up to meet the familiar golden sharp eyes,
"Good morning Hisoka"

She sat up, realizing her (H/C) hair was messed up and played with Damn you Hisoka for ruining my hair she looked out at the window to realize it was still very dark,
"What time is it"
"Hmm it's one in the morning~"

Hisoka answered while looking at his phone. (Y/N) tried fixing her hair while thinking what is he planning she thought as the man on the speaker announced they had landed safely.

(Y/N) stood up and grabbed her backpack, shrugging it on. She followed behind Hisoka, who began walking out of the airship. They were in a completely different city,
"Where are we Hisoka?"

(Y/N) questioned, looking at the tall yellow lit buildings,
"We're in York New~"

York New? But Hisoka doesn't have his hunter license, or hasn't even meet the Phantom Troupe! (Y/N) felt her brain began burn out from the intense thinking. They walked out of the airport and stood at the sidewalk pick up. Hisoka took out his phone and dialed a number. I'm so confused! (Y/N) tightly held onto the straps of her backpack, looking up at the sky with a confused look,
"Alright, see you soon~"

(Y/N) broke off of her train of thoughts and looked at Hisoka,
"Who was that?"

Hisoka put away his phone and looked at (Y/N). He patted the top of her head,
"A friend~"

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows at the answer, you shouldn't expect a clear answer from Hisoka Morow,
"Oh don't give me that face (Y/N)~ it's a surprise~"

A white expensive car suddenly stopped in front of them. Hisoka went to the passenger seat as the window rolled down, pink hair was the first thing (Y/N) saw. Machi,
"I brought an extra guest with me, I hope that's alright~"

Machi, who was in the driver seat, looked behind Hisoka and saw the short little girl. She let out a tired sigh before facing foward and saying,
"Yeah, whatever"

Hisoka opened the back seat for (Y/N), she stood there, wondering if she should get into the car. She shook her head and took a seat, Hisoka closed the door and sat in the passenger seat,
"We should get to know each other, we'll be working together~"

Hisoka said, looking at Machi with his typical smirk. Machi didn't take her eyes off the road,
"Machi, you?"

Machi looked at the small mirror, looking at (Y/N),
"She your kid?
"No, she's my dear sister~ Say 'hi' (Y/N)~"

There was an awkward silence. (Y/N) waved and said in almost a murmur,

After that no conversation was made. They for what felt like half an hour. (Y/N) spent her time looking in her notebook and reading the correction Illumi wrote for her. She sighed reading how she stupidly tried writing a short story.

The car made a stop at a pawn shop. (Y/N) stared for what felt like a minute when the door opened. She saw Hisoka outside, he opened the door for her. She got out with a quick 'Thank you'.

They walked inside, an old man with an eye patch was there,
"What do ya want?"

He said in a rude tone. Machi rolled her eyes and said,
"We would like to file a complaint"

Machi gave a disappointed sigh before answering,
"The pretty princess limited edition tape"

Hisoka began to chuckle a bit, even (Y/N) almost laughed at that. The old man put his attention on a newspaper, pointing to the back and said,
"You can take it to my manager, last door to the left"

The three walked to the direction the man said. Machi opened the door and it revealed a long flight of stairs. They walked down and eventually reached another door in the end. Machi opened the door and it revealed a very large and poorly lit concrete room. (Y/N) however wasn't focused on the spacious room, her (E/C) eyes focused on the people in the room. The Phantom Troupe,
"Danchou he's here"

Machi said to the person who was reading, most of him was unidentifiable because of the lack of liggting in the room. But when he stood up and walked into a more lit part of the room, was when (Y/N) felt fear.

Those cold hearted steel eyes, his pale skin, and slicked back hair was now clear. (Y/N) told herself she wouldn't be scared if she ever saw him face-to-face. He walked to Hisoka and that made (Y/N) hide behind her brother,
"I hear you defeated our fourth member?"

His voice was relaxing but not to (Y/N). The two men stared at each other before Hisoka smirked wider,
"Correct~ My name is Hisoka~"

Even Hisoka's voice sounded different, it was expected but scary,
"What's the deal with the kid?"

Everyone's attention turned to the big muscular silver haired man. Machi was the one to answer him,
"It's his sister apparently"

Now they all stared at (Y/N), who was rightfully nervous and scared. Hisoka turned around and placed his hand on (Y/N)'s back, pushing her on display,
"Dear don't be shy~ I never taught you that~"

She looked up to see those cold dead eyes. It was like the man was just reading her like a normal book. (Y/N) had a bad habit of holding sides of her clothes when she was scared or nervous,
"I-I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) Marow"

Fuck, why did I stutter the man got down to her level, he had a small smile while holding out his hand,
"Chrollo Lucilfer"

The rest of the people in the room stared as (Y/N) hesitantly shook his hand,
"Does this mean... she's gonna fight a member"

The room was silent, as the members looked at the seven year old like prey. Hisoka let a bit of his Bloodlust roam into the air, almost as a threat rather than a warning. Chrollo stood up,
"We'll see her as an ally for now. Hisoka, do you accept your invitation on being the replacement of number four in the Phantom Troupe?"

Everyone was confused on the 'for now' part but decided not to question their leader. Hisoka put his hand on his hips,
"I accept~"

Chrollo kept his small smile, as everyone stared down at the Morows.

I tried making Chrollo's entrance more epic butttttt

I failed-

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