Hisoka held the warm bottle to his small baby sister, (Y/N). He watched to make sure she wouldn't choke or anything. Abaki poured the water from the pot onto the open fire to put it out,
"I forgot to say but Moritonio wants you to practice your act for the Royal Glam Hotel, I'll just take (Y/N)-chan to the store, okay?"
"What if you run into trouble?"
"Don't worry, it's me your talking about"She tells Hisoka, trying to assure him. He looks to see that (Y/N) has finished drinking, he places her on his shoulder and begins to pat her back,
"Is this how you do it?"Hisoka asks Abaki who laughs and nods,
"Your doing okay"She after her laughing has died down. (Y/N) let out a weird cough that made both Hisoka and Abaki to pause. Abaki looks at Hisoka's back and says,
"Looks like you'll be going shirtless for a bit"She laughs a bit more as she grabs a towel and wipes the vomit off of Hisoka's white shirt. (Y/N) was left feeling scared Is he gonna kill me for ruining his shirt? She doesn't know how Hisoka acts as a teenager and she mentally prays that he is different then his future self.
Hisoka looks at (Y/N) his face was hard to read but he smiled a bit and said,
"I'll be more careful next time"He handed (Y/N) to Abika as he stood up and took off his shirt, Abika turned away and frantically said,
"Hold on! I'll get you something"She looked around and pulled out an ex performer's old shirt and handed it to Hisoka. It was pale blue with a dark blue shape clover,
"Just wear this"She says waiting for Hisoka to put the shirt on. She cradles (Y/N) who seemed to be getting more tired. (Y/N) stared at Abaki's eyes. She began closing her eyes being a baby isn't so bad... (Y/N) thought as she began to close her (E/C) eyes.
Abaki grabbed a long piece of fabric, she turned to Hisoka and said,
"Hold her for a second"Hisoka did as told while Abaki tied a knot and placed the fabric over her shoulder. She opened a spot and motioned Hisoka to hand the sleeping (Y/N). Abaki held (Y/N) in the makeshift carrier and then spread her arms out,
"Ah see, now I can carry her while also carrying groceries"She smiles at Hisoka who prepared to catch his sister if she was dropped. He sighed in relief to see she was okay. Abaki looked at Hisoka and asked out of the blue,
"Do you think you're gonna be a good brother?"Hisoka was taken back a bit and countered,
"Why ask?"
"It's just that, what if maybe (Y/N)- chan is sad and you don't know what to do. You know, simple things like that are bound to happen."Hisoka looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of an answer,
"I'll be the best brother I can be"He says while making his way out of the tent. Abaki began walking, placing the money she was gonna use in her pocket. They were going their separate ways but Hisoka said one last thing,
"Abaki, keep (Y/N)-chan safe"Abaki nodded as she continued to walk.
"Ah (Y/N)-chan! Your so lucky to be a baby, you get to sleep and eat all day and not have a care for the world"Abaki said as she carried two large grocery bags. Abaki was looking around, they were lost. She sighed trying to see a familiar building or anything familiar that will jog her memory
(Y/N) was still asleep in the same place Abaki put her. Light snores escaping her mouth, dreaming. The two of them were passing a lonely dark alley. Suddenly there was a loud scream that made Abaki stop and look into the alley. Her body moved on it's on as she dropped the two bags and speed walked to the source of the screaming.
Abaki made a left turn as her eyes widen in shock. Sure it was night but her light source was a flickering white light on the top of a door. Her eyes saw a tall large figure who's back faced the two girls. The figure stood in front of the dead body of a young man, his torso area was crushed as his mouth and nose were spilling a lot of blood.
(Y/N) felt herself being moved a lot, she opened her eyes to the new found dark place, she saw Abaki. (Y/N) was staring at her scared face. Drops of sweat began forming on Abaki's forehead as she held (Y/N) close to her body.
Abaki grabbed her rope, that's always around her waist, and she boosted it with Shu. Her heart rate began to increase when the large figure began moving. When the figures face was in full view it was as if Abaki's heart stopped.
'John Doe'The infamous killer John Doe was right there. Abaki was going to use her rope on John Doe but suddenly he was now inches away from her.
(Y/N) got a good look of the terrifying face. It felt real, it was real! She began to cry and scream from fear. Abaki was given a slap of realization, turning her body to shield (Y/N), Abaki was sent flying with the small (S/T) baby in her arms.
Abaki landed back first as she coughed in pain. In an instant, she started to feel something heavy begin to crush her. She slid (Y/N) to the direction of the exit to the alleyway, but (Y/N) was far from the exit. Her cries going louder as Abaki felt the limitation of breath. She was grunting as she tried pushing whatever was crushing her. She didn't expect John Doe to even know Nen!
Out of nowhere, the pressure was removed. Abaki gasped and inhaled, the pain on her ribs was slowly fading as she sat up. She was surprised to see a familiar figure, holding a throwing knife that was dripping with blood.
Hisoka stared darkly at John Doe, who was holding their right eye that was drizzling with the dark red liquid. (Y/N) barely got out of the blankets to witness Hisoka slash John Doe's eye.
John Doe made his escape, like a cheap trick from a magician. Hisoka lightly jogged to (Y/N) and inspected her for any injuries. Her elbows and knees had small scrapes. He picked her up and walked towards Abaki,
"Are you okay?"Abaki nodded as she struggled to stand. She flinched as she could feel Hisoka's terrifying and disastrous aura,
Bloodlust(Y/N) never imagined she sense this horrible feeling. It scared her, and she would never want to make Hisoka angry. The two headed to where the grocery bags were abandoned. Abaki reached to grab them but Hisoka used his free right hand to carry them
On their way back they didn't say a word, but they enjoyed the comfortable silence accompanied with (Y/N) babbling a bit.
______________________________________Boom! Hope you enjoyed :))

A Different World (HUNTER X HUNTER)
Fanfiction(Y/N) is currently studying for finals and it has been taking a big toll. While she focuses on her work, she doesn't realize what is bond to happen. Suddenly she wakes up but things are different, way different. _ I got bored and I got this idea. I...