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(Y/N) and Hisoka were at the coffee table. (Y/N) kept her (E/C) eyes closed as she had her hands around a glass cup that had a leaf, focusing her aura. She has been practicing to master Nen for three years. It was tiring sure, but now she could take the water deviation test.

After a while, (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked at the cup. Hisoka smiled as his golden eyes picked up the impurities in the water,
"A conjurer, I see~"

(Y/N)'s mouth formed a line, the closest she has done to smiling. She was okay to be a conjurer, but neither Hisoka and Illumi were conjurers so that would be a problem,
"Who's going to be my teacher?"

She asked innocently, Hisoka smiled,
"Don't worry about it~ we'll find someone~"

He said, poking the tip of (Y/N)'s nose. Hisoka stood up from the floor, he offered his hand to (Y/N), he said ,
"Now, let's got to the store~"

(Y/N) hated going to the store, she hated going outside in general, but the store was what she dreaded. Any person can assume it was because of what happened seven years ago with Abaki and the infamous John Doe.

She held Hisoka's hand as she stood up.
Illumi had his foot on (Y/N)'s back. She was laying down on the ground, face down. They were on a rooftop in the evening, combat training. Hisoka was again out, but it was different. There was no folder under the couch and Hisoka seemed excited to go out.

(Y/N) tried to stand up, bawling her fists, ready for a punch. But that only made Illumi press harder,
"(Y/N)-chan, find a way to escape. Don't try to fight me, you shouldn't challenge your superior."

That same phrase Illumi has said has been drilled into (Y/N)'s head for three years. She gritted her teeth in frustration. Most spars ended this way, with (Y/N) giving up. Today was going to be different, she going to try surprising Illumi by jumping and sliding away. She began timing it, waiting for Illumi to relax and make her move.

(Y/N) kept her eyes on Illumi's shoulder, normally it was stiff but after a while, an area of muscle began to relax. She breathed in and out and took action.

She got on her knees and lifted her shoulders. Illumi tried pressing but his foot just slid off. (Y/N) made her run to her blue cardigan on the floor. She was so close yet so far. She felt her face slam against the floor, feeling a hand gripping the back of her neck. She was pinned to the floor,
"I see you are improving, mentally and physically"

Illumi said before letting go and standing up. For a moment, (Y/N)'s head was spinning but she managed to sit up. She patted the dirt and dust off of her dirty white dress. She reached and grabbed her light blue cardigan, she puts it on but feels something run on her nose. She wipes it with her hand and sees blood. (Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose and leaned her head back.

She felt a large gentle hand go behind her head and make her head face normally,
"Don't do that, you'll make it worse."

Illumi says as he uses his left green sleeve of his sweater as some sort of tissue. He wrapped his arm around (Y/N) and picked her up like a pink blonde lady holding her Chihuahua.

He went to the edge, (Y/N) looking down from the 50 story building. Illumi simply walked off.
"Illumi dear~ I think you went a little too far today~"

Hisoka said as he took a good look at (Y/N),
"(Y/N)-chan and Killua are the same age, Killua is already beyond this and he knows nothing of Nen"
"Good point, but she isn't Killua or a Zoldyck~"

Hisoka argued against Illumi. (Y/N) stared at the small injuries Hisoka had as the two continued to talk. She was sitting on the couch. She had a bear band aid on her left cheek. Hisoka then turned his attention to (Y/N),
"Well (Y/N) we better start moving, we don't wanna be late~"
"Late for what?"

(Y/N) questioned her brother as Illumi waved goodbye and walked out,
"We're meeting special people~ now go pack a small backpack, our flight will leave without us if we don't hurry~"

(Y/N) ran to the corner of the apartment and grabbed her dark blue backpack and packed her new white notebook, her doll, and extra clothes. She didn't know how long they will be gone but she did need a few pairs of clothes.

Hisoka waited by the door,
"(Y/N) Don't forget your hoops~"

Almost forgot! She thought in her head as she looked around, damn where did I leave them, she thought before realizing she used In on them. She looked at her belt and grabbed them, the hoops appeared.

Hisoka opened the door as (Y/N) speed walked out, not wanting to keep him waiting. She turned her attention to their neighbor's door, recently they went quiet after they threw a big and loud party. Someone must've reported them.

(Y/N) childishly jumped on each step of the stairs. Hisoka walked behind, making sure she didn't trip.
They boarded the air ship, they we're sitting next to each other. (Y/N) got the window seat and watched the sun set. The city looked beautiful. Before sitting, (Y/N) made a quick trip to the bathroom and changed into a light blue sweater with a black skirt that reached past the knee.

(Y/N) sat there hugging her backpack as she felt tired. She was listening to Hisoka hum a song.

(Y/N) felt tired and the humming only added on to wanting to sleep. She felt her eyelids get heavy only to pass time she thought to herself before completely going into a slumber.

Hisoka stopped shuffling his cards when he felt something fall on his lap. (Y/N)'s head fell on Hisoka's lap, Hisoka didn't mind. If anything he smiled and ran his hand through her (H/L) (H/C) hair. He continued to hum an old lullaby he used to fall asleep with.

*cries In lack of sleep* anywaysssss I hope you like this chapter :')

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