Chapter 6: Party

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Chapter 6: Party

It won't be long

Till the summers gone

Get your party on

So sing along

Hold on tight

It's a crazy night

Get your party on

And were screaming

Out loud

“How was the kiss? Was that your first?”

I’ve been getting questions all morning from Bethany and Melanie. Luckily they waited until Dylan was gone to start throwing the questions at me.

“It was in the park,” I told them, “We had detention then we went to the park and just talked.”

“And that made him kiss you?” Bethany asked.

“That’s a little weird,” Melanie said.

“Yes because we got talking about how we feel about each other and he asked me to his birthday party tomorrow.”

“Really?!” Bethany exclaimed. “Yes!”

“We’re your dates right?” Melanie asked.

“Dylan is of course,” I smiled and faked a blush. “You’re all invited though too.”


“We need new dresses,” Bethany said, “It’s time for shopping.”

            I felt bad spending more of my parent’s money. We’re not doing so well financially and all Bethany wants to do is spend money. I know her parents are rich, but even they can’t be happy that she’s spending so much money.

“Actually,” I told Brittany, “That’s not a very good idea. My parents can’t afford for me to buy a new dress.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she smiled, “It’s on me. You have to look good for your boyfriend.”

I smiled, “You’re a great friend.”

“The best.”

Brittany and Melanie left for class and I stayed behind to finish getting my stuff from my locker. I watched Bethany and Melanie walk down the hall, but passed the classroom. They were walking right towards Kayla. It’s sick how people like Bethany will go out of their way to bully someone. Melanie pushed the books out of Kayla’s arms and while Kayla bended down to pick them up; Bethany pushed her down. Bethany and Melanie then turned out and went in the classroom. I waited until they were safely in the classroom and shut my locker. I walked up to Kayla and picked up the books for her. She looked so helpless. It was like she’s completely given up on everything. She was wearing a really big black hoodie and baggy jeans. When she looked up at me I swear I saw her flinch. She quickly recovered and relaxed. I’ve never heard her speak before. She usually stays quiet. I know she does talk because Bethany and Melanie are always talking about how rude she is in class. Right there in the hallway is where she spoke her first words to me.

“Why are you helping me?” she asked. “You’re friends with Bethany.”

“Do you really think I’m like her?”

She shrugged, “You look like her.”

“Looks can be deceiving. I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

We stood up and I handed her the books back.

“For everything,” I whispered.

I turned around and walked into the classroom and sat down next to Bethany and Melanie.

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now