Chapter 13: So Far So Great

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Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate -----> this book :)

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me ---------> coming soon ;) 

Chapter 13: So Far So Great

Off to the races

I'm going places

Might be a long shot

Not gonna waste it

This is the big break

And it's calling my name


So far so great, get with it

At least that's how I see it

Having a dream's just the beginning.

            Kayla started going to school on a regular basis and I never could have predicted how popular she started getting. Demi and David hung around her and the school all the time. That caused all the attention to be on our school. The paparazzi swarmed the school trying to get pictures of David or Demi, and news crews showed up to interview people hoping to find someone who will talk crap about someone else. Every time I turned around I saw cameras or magazines with Kayla, David, or Demi’s face on it. It was sickening how much they were being bombarded just because they’re successful. It’s no way to live. The worst part is that every magazine said the same thing. Deciding who was dating who and why they were at the school all the time and who the one that had the major problem was. Demi or David needed to just fess up and tell the public why they’re at the school, but it didn’t seem like that would happen.

            Every day that David and Demi came into school was a new blessing for me. Bethany, Zane, and all of their friends didn’t want to bully people in front of them. They wanted to be popular and famous and making David and Demi think they’re model citizens seemed to be the key to that plan. Bethany always tried to do something nice to get Demi to notice her, but it didn’t work. Demi never gave her a second look. Demi’s too smart to believe Bethany’s a nice person. I saw her look at me a few times in the hallway. I never took her up on her offer to call her if I needed something. I’ve been too scared. I looked away every time and went back to my business.

“Miss Dane?”

Our teacher interrupted our lecture to answer the phone and pointed Kayla out.

“Yeah?” she replied.

“You are needed in the office.”

“Uh… okay.”

            She picked up her books and left the room. The teacher continued lecturing and I doodled in my notebook to pass the time. Kayla walked back into class a few minutes later and started furiously writing in her notebook. I finished taking notes and was relieved when the bell rang. I’m not exactly the model student to the teachers anymore. I wish I was, but all the bullying in the school has had me so worried that school work doesn’t seem as important. How can I get good grades when I’m constantly being beaten and put down for being myself? I tried to pay attention for the rest of the day, but I couldn’t do it. I zoned out for most of my classes and went straight home on the bus after school. My parents were in the kitchen making dinner when I got home.

Mom came to greet me at the door, “How was school?”

I shrugged, “Just school.”

“Are things better?”

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now