Chapter 31: EXTRA CHAPTER - Last Extra

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate <--- this book ;)

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Chapter 31: Extra Chapter – Last Extra

I Already Did

“When do we tell them?”

“I don’t know,” Jack shrugged. “When do you want to tell them?”

“I don’t know,” I sighed. “They’re gonna be mad.”

“No they won’t.”

“Yes they will. We didn’t let them participate in any way.”

He put his arm around me, “They’re our friends they will understand.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

“Okay then we should tell them as soon as we get there.”


I smiled, “Thank you. Are you happy?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” he smiled.


“Should we go?”

I took a deep breath, “Okay let’s go.”

Jack parked in Kayla’s driveway and we stepped out of the vehicle. We’re meeting with Kayla, Demi, Dylan, David, and Anastasia today at their house. Jack and I asked to meet with them today and only them. We have big news to give them, but I’m still not sure how they’re going to take it. They’ve always wanted to be part of it, but that’s not how Jack and I handled the situation. We knocked on the door and Kayla let us in. Everyone else was sitting in the living room.

“Why’d you call us all here?” Kayla asked as she sat back down next to Dylan.

“Jack and I have big news. We already told our parents and now we want to tell you guys.”

“What is it?” Anastasia asked.

Jack and I smiled.

“We got married,” I told them.



I laughed and Jack answered, “Yesterday.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Demi asked.

“We wanted it to be a private thing,” I said. “So we just did it alone.”

“But what about a party?” Kayla asked.

“We didn’t want a party,” Jack said, “Which is why we didn’t tell anyone.”

“We’re happy,” I assured them. “We wanted to do it this way.”

Kayla smiled, “Then congratulations!”

“Thank you.”

            They each took their turns hugging us and congratulating us then took us out for a celebratory dinner. It was the only way Jack and I would actually let them celebrate our marriage. We came to our hometown from New York this weekend because we wanted to get married in the town we met and we had to tell our parents after anyway. Besides, I wouldn’t want to get married anywhere else even if none of my family or friends were there. The idea of a big wedding and celebration scared me. I’ve moved so much that my parents and I never got to know a lot of our other family members. Besides, a marriage should be something private between your loved one and you. There shouldn’t be a lot of people involved anyway. The smile on Jack’s face after we kissed told me that we both made the right decision. Everything worked out and he definitely proved himself to me. I can’t wait to start another chapter in our lives. We’ve survived so many others. It’s going to be one exciting ride.



vote and comment please!! I love getting comments!!

this book is officially over! This was the last bonus chapter.

so what did you think of Maria's story?

The reason why I decided to do this spin-off story is to write about bullying from a different perspective. Kayla's story is all about her being the victim, but bullying isn't always like that. This story took the view of someone who was popular, but didn't like bullying. Someone who became the bullying without realizing it. We all have moments like Maria does where we don't like bullying, but we don't know how to stop it so we stand there and watch it instead. Hopefully this story taught you that bullying is wrong no matter what form it's in and as much as you'll probably get bullied for it, the best decision is to tell someone about the bullying and try to put an end to it. Someone has to be the first person to stand up against the bullies. In this story, those first people happened to be Kayla, Demi, Dylan, and Maria. 

Leave all your feedback here or message me at or on my twitter @StrongLovaticJB

and don't forget Kayla has a twitter too @itsKaylaDane

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now