Chapter 14: Fire Starter

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wattpad finally let me update! yay!

sorry it took so long, but here's the next chapter! enjoy and please vote and comment !:)

Chapter 14: Fire Starter

I'm a bad-ass jumping off the moving train

I'm a Jane Bond, putting all them guys to shame

I'm a wild card, and I'm gonna steal your game

You better watch out

I'm a fire starter, make your blood run faster

I melt hearts like water

Yeah yeah oh woah yeah

I'm a fire starter, I'm a sweet disaster

I melt hearts like water

“Let’s continue with the fun,” David told all of us. “Kayla told me her plans so follow me into the next room.”

            The next room turned out to be a game room. There were classic arcade games, but most of those were pushed to the side and a karaoke machine and dance floor covered most of the room. It was amazing. David threw the microphone out to one of us and turned on a random song.

“Kayla wants today to be about a day of fun. Just be yourselves and pay no attention to the camera in my hands.”

            Although Kayla hasn’t explained the next step of her plan I can already tell what it is; she wants everyone to see who we really are. The first part of the video is sad and depressing, and the second part is all about having fun and being happy. I’m sure today is the first day in a long time where all of us will be happy. A couple of the guys were happy to volunteer to sing first and the rest of us gathered on the dance floor and danced along with them. We got into it immediately and pretty soon everyone was jumping at the chance to sing karaoke. My leg still isn’t at full strength yet so I couldn’t dance as much as I wanted to, but I swayed and laughed along with everyone else. We all completely forgot David was in the room filming us.

I looked over while I was singing and noticed one of the guys looking at me. I continued dancing as he walked over to me.

“Hey,” he smiled at me. “I’m Jack.”

“Maria,” I smiled.

“Want to dance?”

I nodded, “Sure.”

            He took my hand and we continued dancing on the floor. At that very moment I don’t think I’ve ever felt more beautiful. There was something so fierce in the moment while I was dancing with Jack that made me feel invincible. We’re disobeying the rules in order to stop bullying and now we’re all coming together to be truly happy for the first time in a really long time. Being with Dylan felt completely opposite of the way this felt. Dylan and I were only fake together and he’s like my brother; there were never real feelings there. All I know about Jack is what he told us all during his confession and all he knows about me is my confession, but that’s okay because we’re all on the same side. He spun me around a few times and we laughed and had a great time with the rest of the crowd.

“Kayla, it’s your turn to sing!”

I didn’t even notice Kayla walk back into the room. All of us were too busy in our own world to notice them walking back in from outside. I looked towards the door and she was standing next to Dylan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dylan quite as happy as he is now. Kayla looks happy too.

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