Chapter 5: Hold Up

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was a Mistake, But I Am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate 

Chapter 5: Hold Up

If the weapon is your love

I got my hands up

If you’re gonna take me down

I surrender

“How is this a date?” I laughed and pushed Dylan.

He shrugged and smiled, “I’m not very good at picking date activities.”

“How about we just go to the park?” I asked him. “WE have time to walk around and talk after this is over.”

“That’s a better idea,” he laughed.

His original idea was staying after school with him because his teacher gave him a detention.

“What time is this detention over anyway?” I asked him.

“Five more minutes.”

“Why’d you get this detention in the first place?”

“Zane was texting me from his class. It’s the only time I text in class.”

“He seems to have a big hold on you.”

“I could leave if I wanted to but I kind of owe him. As rude as he gets he’s always been there for me and I’ve always been there for him.”

“I wish there was a good reason I was friends with Bethany.”

“Then why are you friends with her?” he asked.

I shrugged, “When I first came here she saw something in me. I’ve never been popular before. There was a little glimmer of hope that told me if I became friends with her I wouldn’t be bullied anymore. I wouldn’t be as miserable.”

“That sounds like a good reason to me.”

“Yeah but that means I have to pretend all the time. I’m putting on this stupid act in front of them and I feel horrible for treating everyone so bad because I know what it feels like. I’ve been them before.”

“No one thinks you’re the bully.”

“They don’t?” I asked him. “I was sure they did.”

He shook his head, “You’re stuck where I am. You’re friends with the bully but not actually the bully. You’re the witness.”


We looked up and saw the teacher scowling at us.

“But Sir,” Dylan said, “There’s only five minutes left.”

“Fine,” he grumbled, “Go. See if I care.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Yeah sure.”

Dylan took my hand before the teacher could change his mind. We stopped at Dylan’s locker first and went to mine next to get my bag. Dylan drove us to the park and we walked around and talked about the couple thing more. It seems like every time we are alone all we talk about is the fact that we’re a couple. Neither one of us knows how to be a couple. I’m not even attracted to Dylan like that. I like him as a friend, but I really don’t see him as being my boyfriend which made pretending that much harder.

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now